Why is it so hard to create an unlit object that has an alpha map? (please help I'm desperate)

Title is pretty much the question, why is it so hard to make an unlit object that also has the black part (pretty sure that’s called an alpha map) transparent? As far as I can find, there is no node just for alpha and the only thing that does is a principled BDSF which makes it a lit object.

You need a mix shader- plug the alpha into the factor, add a transparent BSDF to the second input, plug your image into the first


I did what you said in a few different variations and nothing worked, this is as close as I could get it but it still doesn’t look right :confused:

Oh nevermind, in blender it looks weird for some reason (do you know why? it’s kinda annoying having to export it into Threejs before I know if it looks right), however when I bring it into Threejs (which is what I needed it for) it looks perfectly fine!