Why is my mesh deforming so weird?

Hi community

I’m working on a spongebob model for the blenderguru underwater competition. Modeling worked fine so far but now I’m getting into rigging. I’m a beginner in Blender and only did rigging with tutorials before.
The rig itself works fine so far but the mesh, specially the lower arm gets flat when I rotate it 90 degrees.
There is only a subsurf modifier on the arm. Applying that didn’t bring any change.
The rig I have from the blendercookie tutorial “Rigging an alien”.

Please help me. There is not that much time left :smiley:


I notice the bone for the forearm is a b-bone and in the top right pic, it’s slightly bent, could you post a pic of him posed as in the top left pic with the b-bone visible? I’m thinking the b-bone is bending and it shouldn’t be. There is a ease-in ease-out setting for b-bones that will control how much b-bones bend to match the bone before and after the b-bone and I think you need to tweak that setting.

But I’m just guessing here… please post more pics or the .blend file.


Hi, I think you need more edges between the shoulder and elbow, and between the elbow and wrist.