Why is there white edge line seen in 2.8?

where there is white edge line seen in 2.8
ege line.blend (1.3 MB)

In 2.8 white Edge line

In 2.79 No edge line seen

Why there is difference in both view. How can i solve it. Any suggestion. Thanks

Try to add one black pixel left and right to the central image.

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Its not the solution. As you can see above that there is a zagy white edge

Not sure why only that particular area showed the white line but by re-doing the alpha areas as @Korchy was getting at…it removed the problem.


Your problem is not a bug it’s simply about image interpolation. You used Linear It means the edge between alpha 0 and alpha 1 will be interpolated linearly, resulting into alpha between 0 and 1, and your white line. In this case use the Closest interpolation, it will choose either 0 or 1 but never the inbetween value :


See you :slight_smile: ++


In 2.79 and 2.8 Cycles its not visible only in 2.8 Eevee its visible. Thanks

You cannot compare Cycles and Eevee for such things, it’s like comparing Gas Engine, and Electric Engine, it’s just 100% different, even if render could be very simmilar.

Cycles is Ray Tracing based, it means there is no Triangle Rasterisation, so no Window Space interpolation. At contrary Eevee is Triangle based with rasterisation, so this phenomenon appears, just like it would on a basic OpenGL render

See you :slight_smile: ++

Your white line is actually grey and may be difficult to see on the 2.79 screen shot. Also your material blending options may be set up differently for 2.79 and 2.80.

A pixel on a texture that has an alpha value of 0 still has an RGB value, for your texture the pixels with an alpha of 0 are also white. The colour on your white(grey) lines are coming from a blend of two (or more) pixels on your texture. One texture pixel has an alpha of 0 and an RGB white, the other an alpha of 1 and an RGB of black. If it’s a 50/50 blend then your screen pixel ends up with a alpha of 0.5 and an RGB of grey.

To remove the white lines edit your image so that all the pixels with an alpha of 0 are black.

If you want the pixels with an alpha of 0 to be transparent I think you may need to change some blending options. Quick google got this: https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/81851/does-transparency-work-in-eevee . I haven’t tried this myself.

Thank you you have just saved my life!!! :raised_hands: