This has probably been asked before, but I couldn’t find the magic set of key words that found the answer I needed, but:
I’ve watched a number of tutorials on texturing and thought I was following the processes that were shown, but when I try to texture these inside walls, it works alright on walls oriented along the y axis, but on the x axis, they stretch rather than tiling and I can’t figure out why.
Edit I am using Blender 2.78 a and the Cycles render.
I’ve tried numerous suggested methods for unwrapping UVs (which didn’t seem necessary in this context, based on at least some of the tutorials I saw), tried subdividing walls, tried separating my x oriented and y oriented walls into separate groups and using different materials, but I just can’t get it sorted.
There may be something else wrong as well, because while my floor texture (using a nearly identical node configuration) shows up, in material and rendered mode, the texture for the walls does not
Using all of the settings the same, but changing to box projection, I get the attached result: It’s an improvement, but I can’t get the scaling or orientation right. The walls running along the x are rotated in Material view by 90 degrees, but adjusting the rotation in the node doesn’t correct it, and the render is also weird.
I applied the scaling as directed but it didn’t seem to have any effect.
And when plugging vector into UV things go even more sideways.
I’ve attached the blender file for further review.
Oops, sorry about that. So I fixed the scale and rotation and the Orientation and lateral repetition is good now, but I when I adjust the z scaling on the texture, it seems to have no effect?
That’s exactly what I was trying to get it to do. What change did you make? I can do a stare-and-compare but I’m still learning my way through Blender and its interface so figured it would be easier to just ask.
Ah, gotcha- I hadn’t noticed mapping was changed to point when I tried to make mine match yours.
As far changing the object origins to grid center: I found the ctrl+alt+shift+c keyboard shortcut and set it to “Origin at 3D cursor”, with the cursor set at 0,0,0 which is what I think you’re saying with “origins to grid center” as I was not able to find any such option, and after making those changes, was able to adjust my original model to match yours.
Thank you so much for the help, but that does raise two questions: Where do I find the “set origin” menu without using the keyboard shortcut (because I will never remember that key stroke if this happens in the future) and can you explain in layman’s terms what moving that center actually does?
I tried the other options and can see that things are changing, but I don’t understand what about how the texture is applied changes to try and determine which center settings are useful in which situations (I’m assuming there have to be some, or it wouldn’t give you the option to move it).