My airbrush and other brushes drawn in Gravity Sketch isn’t rendering or displaying in proper color or brushes. What am I missing?
The shader stuff was put in by Gravity Sketch and .fbx
The brushes were in several colors, probably 4
heres file-
the brush is really a picture file.
Well, the color is just the material…not translated to nodes… so something about the way it was made in GS isn’t transferring… in Solid view, you can see your colors…
And this is an FBX Mesh…not a Brush File as Blender would expect…( See Below for a fix)
You would have to select one of those and in the Material Properties uncheck Use Nodes…copy the color, re-select use nodes, and add in that color with a mix-RGB to the texture that did come with the export…
There are 2 actual textures an airbrush circle and cotton batting…
( Brush Fix)
You can load the image files into the Texture Properties…then Use a Blender Brush in Paint ot Sculpt that texture will be a Textured Brush…
long time, no see.
Took long to reply.
I had a big itch to airbrush again.
I dove into it again. Being a newbie I knew something was wrong the way objects linked to an airbrush brush image. I thought to unlink the top shader box and the color popped in.
Well, I don’t know why I got two of those brush links but maybe I can be more confident to move on to airbrushing some art, now.
I wanted to thank for your reply.
Edit: I was double checking my link here and noticed my solid colored ribbon strokes were black. When I first loaded my fbx, I saw solid colored ribbons. now its black. I unlinked that shader box on all my objects. I guess I need to play around more.
file is here:
The color wasn’t showing as you had no lights / not enough light in the scene…
the solid color strips were turned just enough that the light put them in the shadow…
Changed the camera view and added an HDRI, still has your point light…
with just the point light same camera view…
You might want to get yourself a copy of ABR-mate, I finally found a copy…HERE
It will convert .abr Brush-sets to PNG images…( Handy to get Adobe Photoshop .abr brush preset files into something that can be used outside of PS )
Discussion of using Transparent PNG as Brush in Blender…