Why isn't showing color of this model?

I imported a face model(*.ply) in blender.
And I’m gonna make an uv map from this.
But it doesn’t show color of the model in ‘uv editing’ while displaying normally in ‘shading’ and ‘layout’.

Does anybody know what’s the problem?


What do you mean by saying “color”?

Try to scroll that section, seems like the view port shading section is hidden somewhere in the right corner.

Or, just press Z button in the second window and choose either Rendered or Material Preview


Welcome :tada:

…first : what do you thing which "color" this object has ?? Or do you mean “material” ?? And it seems you have already an UVmap… but yet no image associated ???

The UV Editing workspace usually shows the 3D View with Viewport Shadding set to Solid… and there you can have different colors than the actual material does have…

So you might switch to Material Preview like @goorman said… (but there is still no image in the shader ???)

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Thank you!!!

What I said ‘color’ was material
I’m not experienced in blender so I didn’t know the exact term

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It is normal for blender to turn off material preview in the UV workspace. The different workspaces do different things - like going into edit mode in the UV workspace.

If you prefer material preview on all the time in UV - open a default scene, go over to the UV workspace and turn it on. GO BACK to the layout workspace and >> File Menu > Defaults > Save Startup File.

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You’re welcome!

Glad it helped you