why loop cut and slide dosnt work with cone ?

hi dear frinds
i tried to use loop cut and slide to make loops cut but it dosnt work with cone mesh…why ?
knife tool works fine withn it
see the image

You can’t have an edge loop with triangles. The cut goes from one edge to the opposite edge, a triangle does not have an opposite edge.
You can select all the edges W / Subdivide, Ctrl+E / Edge Slide to give the same effect

thanks richard this will be good if it working with loop cut .

Tutorial in below image.

An alternative (just different) to the subdivide method is to use the Knife Cut (Hold K mouse move over selected edges). If you remove “limit selected to visible edges” then you can cut straight through the cone. Once the cut is made select the “Type: Midpoint” which will straighten the cut.
