Why my normal maps padding look all jagged?

I tried and the first normal map gives you exactly that , beveled edges on top of low poly sharp edges ! try the normal i made with marmoset, the sharp edges split the normal at the edge which tells the baker to continue, literary every wiki I see online emphasis on putting sharp edges on low poly or you won’t get proper shaded bevels, and its even impossible to fix the shading without the sharp edges anyway ! my problem now is the padding , why its jagged either way ?

Marmoset not have Sharp Edge property. Marmoset only use face normal.

You read all documentation, but still not have true result…

Sharp edges are but edge split and doubles the verts, thats all to it ! and any renderer including marmoset’s renderer support exactly that !

Perfect normal map baked :
1- low poly has to have sharp edges
2- make seams in all sharp edges
3-bevels has to be exaggerated (big as possible) (thanks to Vinicius_F)
4- use weighted normals modifier on the high poly to get correct normals after the bevel
5- export to marmoset and bake there !
6- enjoy a cup of coffee and pat your back

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Still have jagged lines…

those edges are smooth AF ! perfect, you can’t see the seams even if you zoomed, shading is gorgeous. and aparently those jagged lines are not in object but on the paddings, I looked it up and I found that even substance painter produce normal maps with those jagged lines in the paddings, and they dont affect the shading nor the edges at all . Thank you for helping tho :smiley:

If you say so… But you should test with metallic shader…

tell me if you see any seams :wink:

I see transition lines between chamfer to not chamfer areas. And I don’t know why but your faces look granular…

this is a gold material in substance painter the grains are part of it, and those lines are between the grains and the clear beautifully baked normal bevels.

If you look careful, you can see transition lines between flat and chamfer areas. These are artifact. If you want this, I can not say anything.

What transitions ? looks totally fine for a 2k bevel normal map.

Look your chamfer areas. Maybe only jpeg artifacts…
