Why my normal maps padding look all jagged?

I have a model which I want to bake bevels in, I literary duplicate the object, add bevels unto the newly created object.

I bake it with cycles, yet the edges always look like this, no matter how I try using a cage, adding supporting loops in the low poly, checking the shading

nothing worked, i made sure the nodes are non-color.

Am I missing something ?

Here is the Blend file : https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-Dr8c0xReWPzo62WSgST_-j1ZHDCOXRo

Please help me :cry: , because I spent two week stuck on this issue alone, and I feel like Iā€™m gonna quit this stuff if I donā€™t find a solution anytime soon .

Your two objects are exactly same. Must one object high poly, another low poly.

Set ā€œSubfurfaceā€ to BEVELED object and select ā€œSelected to Activeā€. And use ā€œMesh > Transform > Shrink Wrapā€, because faces of two object intersect each other.

It goes more horrible after doing so, is something wrong with my model ?

I think the problem is that the bevel in your highpoly model is simply too small. Together with the fact that your UV map isnā€™t using the UV space very efficiently, that thin bevel detail will never give a good bake result unless you use a really large texture resolution.

If you are modelling something for games, it is always good to exaggerate the bevels size to get a better bake.

Here is a good page about normal map tips, scrolling down youā€™ll see a section about edges thickness:

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No, I try and fixed this issue. Use little shrink/wrap.Bevel model totally cover over other model, but not too much, only littleā€¦

Not only bake, but also visual impact. Bevels should generally be bigger than you think, and big enough to have visual impact.

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I have tried your method but it gave the same results, can you upload the blend file with your edits or a the normal map you have produced ?

I increased the size of the bevel immensely yet it gave the same results, I havenā€™t tempered with the UV because I donā€™t see how I can make them better, can you edit my blend file and see if you can get good normal, It would real help me alot , thank you so much !!

Your model is more problematic. I fixed that. I deleted Beveled version, cleared all Seams, Sharp Edges etc. and Smoothed All Shades, created new UV. After that, I duplicated and renamed ā€œBeveledā€ and set ā€œSubsurfaceā€. And voila, good endā€¦

But this is fast result. You must work on your model.

You must set Smooth Shade for Low Poly object, and not use ā€œMark Sharpā€. If you need sharp edges, then create Bevel on High Poly object and use Subsurface Scattering.

Normal_Bake.blend (919.2 KB)

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Without having a look on the blend file, it looks more like a extrusion issue with too short ray distances. Did you tried different lengths or a quick cage?

I have tried both , but non solved the issue, my guess is the sharp edges, because I set the low poly all shade smooth, and manually assign sharp edges , due to solve shading issues in the model, what do you think ?

there is still some jagged issues in the normal map you produced tho. but its way better than what I have made, still i need a jagged-free normal map and no shading issues . how can I achieve that ? and what you mean with subsurface scattering ?

Only if topology of your model is good, then Normal Map will be good. Check your high poly model with metallic MatCap and look shading problemsā€¦

0 shading problems on the high poly, they appeared when you deleted the sharp edges !

Fix with Edge Bevel and Subdivision Surface or (I donā€™t try) delete this Sharp Edges on Low Poly object. Low Poly object must have totally smooth facesā€¦

low poly MUST have sharp edges or the normal map will introduce bleeding like the normal map you have made. also unlike what you said , the low poly must be on top of the high poly not the opposite, thirdly, there is no need for a subsurface modifier if we use bevels actually most people have to choose between the two to get bevel normals.

If you use Normal Map, then all normals read from Normal Map, not use own normal infos. For this reason, all faces must Smooth. If not, baker use flat normals (because normal image not flat, all pixels neighbour to another) and result will be invalid. Normal Map means, copy normals of high poly model and paste to low poly model, but not with face to face, with pixel to pixel. This is only illusion, not realā€¦

Smooth Face = I have a neighbour face and shade us together.
Flat Face = I havenā€™t a neighbour face and shade us separately.
Normal Map = All pixels have neighbor to another pixels and shade us together.

I fixed the model , I made bevels bigger, kept all the sharp edges , baked in marmoset with 4k resolution

with sharp edges on low poly is way better , but the jagged lines in the padding are still there ā€¦ how can one fix those ?? and what do they mean ? and are they a problem ?

same thing but low poly has no sharp edges , all smoothed

looks way worse !

If you donā€™t want smooth edges, why use Normal Map? You can use 1st Normal Map on your object and look resultā€¦

You can never create beveled edges with Normal Map, if you use sharp edged low poly object. Try and seeā€¦