When i tried to render a earth animation with 2 layers, 1 layer is globe and other is clouds. while rendering there are many black noises glitching on the cloud layer. i attached the videohere. Need help !
Render is in EEVEE, with raytracing.

Realtime rendering.
Hard to say without seeing anything… Render settings? Shaders? Modifiers? Clipping values?
To help whom wants to help you maybe some more info (or sharing the scene) could be useful.
Anyway, in the 2nd part of in your video (solid view) it seems like you have some z-fighting. Clouds and earth have same dimensions? In that case try scaling up a little the clouds sphere.
Thanks for your valuable time to reply for this. Actually i figured out the issue, Its Camera Clipping. I adjusted the camera Start clipping and it resolved my issue. thanks for your support. 
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