So I have a big problem. I don’t understand why normal map depends of the distance (and size) of object. I baked simple sphere with some sculpt and here comes the trouble - I may see the normal map only when I make my low-poly sphere small. I cann’t imagine what will happen when I place my model at the game engine, and I cann’t to predict this.
For example I make a model 1 blender size, but game engine need to be 100 blender units - when I make my model 100 units at blender the result of normal map is practicaly out.
So any suggests what to do?
You made your mesh bigger but you’ve not increased the apparent size of the bumps added by your normal map - you’ve got a bigger object but the bumps are the same size (so they look smaller). You need to increase the Nor value in the Map To panel of your material.
you can also bake your normal & rescale your low-poly model for your game. Ironicly I’m on the other side of the spectrum: id games have the scale so large that you can’t do some physics that size.