Wicker Beast

Phenomenal piece.

Wow. Just wow :smiley: …there’s a kind-of sadness to it too, mixed in with the epic size and look of the beast. Love it :smiley:

It’s Smoking!!!
Seriously good work.
No crits from me.

Holy mother of god!
*Le Jaws wide open.

Great work. Very impressive environment.


(Pure Artistic Work!)


More angle views please

Phenomenal concept and brilliant execution! I for one would LOVE to see the material setup for the embers!

hmmm - perfect ? !!!

Technically speaking is impressive, I’d really like to see some wire of it.
Gallery well deserved!

Can you post an image with some of the process???Its really amazing dude!!!Congats!!

It’s unbelievable how many splendid artits there are around the world. I always hope, Leonardo will somehow see this. He would have been happy to have you as students, I’m sure.
I like most the trees and the atmosphere of this smoking vulcano mountain, which is no real mountain. (wonder, how many centuries this beast stood still and what it’s waiting for).
Thank you a lot for sharing.

Thanks again everyone! It’s very exciting to see my work in the banner of the new site design. I have to say I never expected that!

@Bliz: That makes two of us ;D Thanks, mate.

@FXR: Thanks

@Philippe: Thanks again, mate!

@Ronin, Ploompuu, Patricia, Utopia, tways4bless: Thank you guys/girls for your kind words. To maintain my sanity, all extra geometry was culled from the scene… so no other angles are possible. Sorry about that.

@CMWharton: I’ll see about getting a small something on blendswap :wink:

@Claas: Thanks

@Shilam, freakmean: Thank you. I’ll see what I can do.

@Jon: Thank you for the amazing compliment. I also wonder what it’s waiting for. Some of my original sketches emphasized it being rooted in place, so you’d think I’d have answer by now, haha.

WOW! Just WOW!!

To maintain my sanity, all extra geometry was culled from the scene… so no other angles are possible.

I do that often too when there are no necessary reflections. Don’t be too sorry about it; it’s just smart!
Again, amazing job I’m glad this made it into the gallery!

what kind of work is that man

that is something wow, I want to Kiss your … Hands (don’t get me wrong) :smiley: I am not a Gay :slight_smile:

Cool work

Thanks in advanced.

A deserving post that needs to go into Featured.

The texturing, materials, everything, including the concept is just top notch.

This is fantastic,great!

Incredible! Simply Awesome!

Incredible. Fantastic execution and imagination!