Wicker Beast

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I’m calling this done. I’ve pushed the idea through many different iterations and, now, no more. It never became what I wanted, but it goes that way sometimes.
I wanted to play with converting particle-hair information into curves. I found that I liked the result, but it was really taxing on my system, and I wouldn’t recommend it, except for maybe in small portions. The smoke is Blender generated as well… I wanted to learn a bit about the smoke system, but I mostly ended up finding that physics sims are not really for me. I “finished” it up with some hasty PS and there you have it. Really, it’s just as it looks. The only other thing to mention would be the nodes/mats I used to generate the embers (procedural). I could always throw up the material if anyone is particularly curious. Questions, comments, crits welcome. Thanks for looking, as always.


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This is unbelievable.
That is all.

Really cool concept! I feel like some small changes would make all the difference (like camera angle and pose), but overall I think it is pretty sweet. Good job!

I saw this on da. Just not fair.

So awesome!

Superb! Great concept, very nice execution.

Not sure what’s going on in the top right corner, that near-vertical dark shaft… is it a shadow or a gap in the smoke something? Might help to break it up? Honestly that’s my only crit.

Very cool concept, very well executed.

It never became what I wanted, but it goes that way sometimes.

The very definition of art, eh?

@White Rabbit: Thanks a bunch!

@Jonathan: Those little tweaks were what was driving me mad. The problem really was the product of weak concept/composition work ahead of time.

@Graphix: I feel that way about a lot of artwork, even my coworkers’. I think it’s probably a good thing, really.

@coffeecat: Thanks!

@quollism: That has been something I’ve gone back and forth on. I guess it’s just a product of the smoke formations. I could always smudge it a bit in PS, but I have held off thus far. I really appreciate the critical feedback, thanks very much.

@cmuMiddle: So it seems, I can only count a very few times I feel like I really hit the mark. Thank you for your kindness.

I feel that way about a lot of artwork, even my coworkers’. I think it’s probably a good thing, really.

That’s why I don’t like to look at kerembeyit’s work on da, but I can’t help. :frowning:

dlax – great image. You have some really amazing stuff on your DeviantArt page.


simply amazing!

Very cool idea and execution.

Awesome. It’s like a titan or something.

Now that’s what I call Epic!

I really like it, one of the more artistic renders I’ve seen on here for a while. Even though it didn’t turn out the way you wanted, it’s still a fine piece. Congrats!

This picture make me feel something, a rare effect for an CGG.

congrats on gallery! this is quite a cool work!

Wow, thank you guys for the wonderful response! And what a pleasant surprise it was to make it into the gallery.

@graphix: kerembeyit’s work it top notch. Pretty intimidating, really. I always have to remind myself not to get discouraged when I see work of that caliber.

@Safetyman: Thank you for checking me out! I’m glad you approve.

@abc123/leonnn/loramel: Thank you guys very much.

@Modron: Thanks! That’s right on par with what I had in mind. I was hoping to hit something which was tormented more than menacing, while maintaining an element of both. Power and helplessness, like the Titans.

@JungleBrother: Thank you for your enthusiasm!

@toddmcintosh: That’s quite a compliment considering the great work on the site. Thank you.

@webshinra/ctdabomb: Thanks guys. I really appreciate it.

A wicked piece of work. I like it a lot.
Would love to see it animated one day (when system resources catch up :slight_smile: )