Wiki Video Sequence Editor section drafted, C&C welcome

I have drafted the topic on using the Video Sequence Editor in Blender for the wiki: and I would love feedback as to content, level of detail, accuracy, and most importantly, what I omitted that everyone needs to know or is FAQ. Thanks and enjoy.

Hi Roger, I wrote some feedback here:

Cheers and thanks!

I didnt have much time to read through all of it, but just looking through it at a glance i thought you did a good job.

i do have a single gripe: i think that meta strips could have been explained or demonstrated a bit more concisely; maybe an example of how meta strips can be reused would help…

it looks like a great and informative section to the wiki already though, keep up the good work!

Kind regards,

@broken: Thanks. My wonderful editor, Warner Hoehrer, has been adding the hotkey reference blocks to wiki topics…as well as making crits and fixing all my long-windedness. So, either he or I (or you?) will add it ASAP.
Once I have some feedback on what is missing, your suggestion is well taken and I will chunk it up into separate pages; I just realized I went over my limit. Thanks for pointing that out.
@Delta: Thanks for the note on Meta. As near as I can tell they just are a Group, so I wil cut down the text regarding them. I can’t think how they could be re-used…except maybe if you had a .blend for each scene, and then made like a master .blend that rolled all the scenes together; in that case it would be simpler/cleaner to File->Append the meta. Is this what you had in mind for re-use?
@broken: I tried something new here with the manual, which was to approach the issue from two aspects: 1) at a micro level what does each menu item do, and 2) at a macro level how do I use the software to get my job done. I believe more of (2) should be in the User Manual written from a functional/user perspective, and more of (1) should be in the reference manual written from a technical/details/glimpse of internals perspective. There needs to be some balance and handoff between the two.

I took a look and it seems pretty thorough. I haven’t read the second section as it’s 1:30am and I have to go to work tomorrow so I’ll come back to it.

I fixed one small typo but I noticed some others so I’ll give your editor a bit of time to work his magic and re-read the whole thing (mainly because there’s still a fair bit I don’t know about the VSE).

On a really good note - I actually got Blender to load a .MOV file for the first time ever. I guess I’ve always RMB selected them or something before because they’ve always given a “not a movie” error. It’s weird since I always load .AVIs just fine - anyway, the .MOV worked after reading your LMB/RMB tip.

As far as the “not a movie” tip goes, maybe put the quote verbatim rather than with “yadda yadda” as a lot of people (well, me) search Google with complete error strings.

Freznupple :wink:

Very good . . .

I think you could be a bit less vague about where to get your plugins from, like actually include a link or to.

@yogyog: good point. I don’t actually know. they have been accumulating on my system for like 10 years or so and I probably have not added any for the last few year. will research and edit this post. Thanks!

@AndyD: Yo so I like popped the message in like yo aksed me to, little purple martian dude wit da kool shades. Freznupple it to da jizzle, ya know whati’msayin? Oh an sweet dreams but watch da jizzle wit yo MIND goin’ ya know. An’ like u still OWE ME a splanashun of dat Freznupple$hit u know cuz i like have started usin’ it an like I dunno whatz up wit dat.

EDIT: found the site and updated the wiki, but it is not a page, and instead the computer science dept of the University of Minnesota…so I hope they don’t ever accidentally kill it. Does anyone know the university professor there?

Hey everyone! I spent most of today incorporating all your comments and criticisms; added all the refboxes, split it out into multiple pages that are easier to digest, fixed and found links, and updated the main table of contents. In doing the refboxes, i found that I have glossed over quite a few options.
Oh, and AndyD, I added “freznuple” to the, with the assitance of my daughter, who speaks the lingo so well, somewhat to my dismay. Thank you for enhancing my diction.