WikiRigs (quick tutorials): Making a sequence of Bendy Bone Sets with Auto Bone Controller Addon

Hello, Blenderfolks;

Besides my other, in-depth Tutorial Series (Rigs of the Trade) that I make, I have been planning for a couple of months already to start another Tutorial Series in parallel, but of a minimalist approach (WikiRigs finally came to my mind).

I’m aware this might be unpleasant to watch to many people (as myself I don’t appreciate very much silent videos); yet, I’m trying to see if something nice can be made out of this minimalist approach. So, any constructive feedback is welcome. I can probably add music soundtrack to this kind of video and also create ‘subtitles’, all by making video editing directly on YouTube Studio. Maybe some more things could be made to improve the didactic quality of this approach.

Thanks and hope you like the content at least.

PS: @Ksusha, ¿Do you think something can be improved about this workflow, to have it more automatic, less painful? (because we know many of the Bendy Bone Addons are a bit outdated); I still need to apply the Script corrections you’ve shared -this will be the next thing I’ll be doing. ¡Cheers!


Yeah, I also hate seeing a silent tutorial and usually mute the channel as the music in most is annoying…even adding a script in the Closed Captions would make things a bit better!


Seconded, please don’t add music. I can work with a silent tutorial but a silent tutorial with music… ugh


Thanks for the observation.

What I dislike is that it seems like every video on Youtube seems to use always the same ‘DIY comercial’ musics; and at some point this starts to become repetitive and pretty tiresome.

¿What do you mean by adding a script in the Closed Captions?
¿Are you suggesting Youtube’s Subtitles as extra, textual explanations on certain steps on the tutorial? That’s what I’m thinking that could be handy, provide those notes would be very light and/or elegant (I hate having to pause silent tutorial videos because I have no time to read the notes; it stacks 2 terrible things together).

Thanks for your feedback.

My bad; some moments after publishing the video, I was able to get a better understanding of how YouTube Studio’s music library works; there are tons of soundtrack content of many time-sizes, genres, moods… and they’re all sort of enabled to be used.

I felt like the purely silent video was a bit lonely on its own.
But I understand that repetitive and especially ‘bad-taste’ musics can turn the experience miserable. But picking even an original and ‘adequate’ music is often uncertain, because people may have wild difference in taste.

So, maybe one thing I have in mind right now that I need to research and that might be able to solve this problematic in a soft way, would be to consider ambiance sonority (something that wouldn’t be the same as ambiance music).

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That looks great! I can’t think of any more improvements for now. You’re dong really well!

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