wild west

I would like them to be a seperate scene just becuz I think it would be easyer to do it that way cuz we could make the inside bigger then the building is from the out side and I dont really think any one will notice that and evan if they do we arent going for a halo3 grade game

and about the sniper I wasent really thinking about like a gun were you can shoot like a mile just something a little more long range the a normal rifle

You forgot to pack the textures. Could you please repost a blend?

RAMBO: thanks for the comment on my name :smiley:

It’s looking good so far. This would be a good RTS game!

oops sorry about that…I’v never done that before cuz I suck at texturing…yah i think I got it, here


rifle.blend (271 KB)

Nice gun!

Dunno if I asked, what style of game will this be?

its going to be a 3rd person action adventure like the game “star wars bounty hunter” here is a link to some videos http://www.gamespot.com/gamecube/action/starwarsbountyhunter/

vicmax could you post a .blend of you guy and houses plz

Ok cool. I think it would look better as an RTS style (birds eye view like AOE), IMO, but its your game, so its your discussion :smiley:

Don’t know if you can use this, but here is a barrel.


Barrel 1.blend (261 KB)

the only problem or should I say problems about a RTS is one you need a boatload of AI and two this game you only control one person, RTS your controling hole armes

and thanks for the barrel im sure we can use it

Thanks :smiley: If you don’t want to use it, that’s fine.

I’m not saying you would control whole armies, just one guy, I was just talking about the camera position, RTS style. :slight_smile:

ohh I see like “Icewind dale”

Never heard of it, but the games I play with it are Dreamlords (amazing graphcics), Age of Empires, and Fate. Here is a screen shot from Dreamlords for an idea of what I mean. (in-game you can scroll out futher, this is more of a promo-shot than an in-game shot because of the angle the camera is at, it’s to close)


Heres a render of the sherrif’s office with an ao view (still no windows on the building)
I started working on the bank, and but all (my) textures need to be reduced even more if we want peak performance.


ok I see or runescape would fall under that catagory :wink:

I like both styles… It would be nice like you said earlier with a switchable view between fps and 3rd person view. Probably the 3rd person view for navigation and first person for shooting.

Good job Phish!
RAMBO, yeah, runescape is a good example.

I’m currently working on the windows… a quick google search will turn up some textures

I have window textures lol, but cgtextures.com has more than I do xD

yea. just got em from there… there all finished. now im working on the bank

Awesome! Can’t wait to see it.