Will Blender finally get fast, noise-free Eevee baking?

Hello everyone. Are there any plans to make baking with Eevee. Eevee is great engine, :heart_eyes: but it have no baking. :sleepy: And Cycles baking is useless. Especially for normal maps. Slow, noisy (. Yesterday I spend 3 hours to setup & bake one PBR material.
For another, simpler material, I just converted it to 2.7 Internal material (with some tricks), bake with nice result, then converted to Cycles again Whole process took about 1/2h) and give me sharp noise-less normal map.
Although I’m using Blender only for fun, I know that Blender is used in game development, so… baking I think is very important part for game graphic creation. And Eevee baking could speed up work.

One idea: I was experimenting one day with something like this:

  1. convert mesh to flat UV islands
    (with this addon: https://github.com/SavMartin/TexTools-Blender)
  2. Setup Camera (can be difficult to make it manually)
  3. render from top-down camera using matcap normal look or other tricks

Could Eevee baking in future be implemented for example by automatise this idea, but low-level without addons or manual camera positioning?


Sounds like you’re probably using inadequate sampling settings (which are more tailored towards rendering of ‘normal’ images). Something like 2, 3 Samples per pixel is usually plenty for baking maps in Cycles (antialiasing is basically the only reason to go higher than 1 SPP).

greetings, Kologe

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Also if you mostly bake flat things into 2d textures then you could use addon like https://github.com/ItsCubeTime/FastPBR, it uses workbench for rendering of some passes which is even faster. https://razed.gumroad.com/l/grabdoc is another addon for baking of flat textures.

But yeah, when baking textures in textools (or base blender baker) you only need 2-4 samples of most passes. Only exclusion is ao which needs 32-64 to get rid of the noise. Alternative is to use denoise node on ao texture in compositor or other external image processing tools.

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I made today small time comparision in baking 2.7 BI vs 3.6 Cycles
When I set light samples to 0 I get similar good times

but unfortunately cycles baking always was trouble for me and failed completely.

BI baking was nearly always working out of the box. And Cycles is only usable with some nice addons…

Annoyingly baking settings in blender are tied to render settings, and even if render engine is set to eve, cycles is used (there is no eve or workbench baking without workarounds and addons).

You might be changing wrong settings, light bounces and max render samples are different things. Changing bounces to 0 probbaly leads to incorrect bake. You should use max samples as overall control:

Max 4 samples is ~10 seconds on 4k texture on my pc (even 2 might be good enough in some cases):

Default settings of 4096 samples with noise threshold 0.01 and denoise on (I’m pretty sure denoise doesn’t even do anything for baking) is ~60s on my pc:

Here is comparison of max render samples and ao bake quality (64 takes a lot longer obviously, usually 32 is enough):

Also make sure you are using normals colour space correctly, they should be set to non color data (light blue instead of dark blue):

Test file: bake_demo.blend (2.5 MB)

Ok. Cycles is not really so slow,
but I forgot to mention that I spent over 2 of this 3h for tweaking settings :slight_smile:
So I made this test cube to find correct settings.

And thanks, when I appended to your file I get correct results, with my test cube.
But: I get this strange look also when append to clean blender file with default settings.

Also BI and Cycles normal map looks a little different (take look at sharp hill edges with Cycles Bake)

Which is correct to use with Eevee?

Btw. This is my strange blend file (without textures because of upload size limit)
BK1.blend (1.5 MB)

Your rays distance/cage isn’t properly set as you get padding where it’s not fully hit to capture it in Cycles.

Eevee is also Rasterization real time render, why would you use it for baking…
Cycles bakes fine and doesn’t take any longer to set up, to bake normal map there isn’t really a setting to change outside of ray distance or cage which goes same for BI as that requirement for any render for bake, and what Format64 already mentioned.