Wilson Pro Staff RF97 Autograph Original 3D model

This is the object that has been occupying me for the last part of the year. It took a lot longer than it should due to me still working Marmoset Toolbag into my workflow. This is the project that definitely made me understand the workings of it. The model was made with Blender, in a relatively short amount of time and then an age going forward and back between toolbag and blender, UV, modifications, material testing. I got to a place where i consider it done. I made the racket in a few different colors. Hope you like it, I welcome any feedback.
Visit my artstation for more renders. https://www.artstation.com/rickypurnell
or follow my instagram https://www.instagram.com/rp_3d_art/


These are some very clean renderings :pinched_fingers:
Great work!

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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