Wind turbine II

Hi all,

I’ve already asked questions about this turbine in the particles section but I did not have much success:D.
I retry here (because I’m stuck:o).
I’d like to animate this object and at this time I only managed the blue and the red rotations, the blue, with a constraint, and the red with a driver both work pretty well in animation with two custom properties I created for the scene : wind direction and wind speed.
But to be perfect, the green rotation would be useful. And when I try to work on it, the local z rotation of my blade always makes weird things…(I think its a problem with origins but after many tries I can’t find what).

Here is my scene (to play with it you need to activate animation and give value to wind speed, bones are only there to locate rotation centers):

Does anyone have an idea on how to fix those things or would you advice to rig it otherwise?
For information the axis of the rotor has 5° inclination.

Thanks in advance,



Enercon_E-126_wip (294 KB)

Salut tmaes,

I’ve had another look at your .blend, and it seems to work.
When I add a driver to the Z Euler rotation of Blade 1 and define it just like you did for Noze, the blade rotates around its local Z axis (green arrow on your sketch).

What did I miss?

Tibi (same guy as on the Blender Clan)

yes for the first one (on top) it works. But when I copy or instanciate them, to create and control the 2 other blades, their rotations become crazy. for me…

Ah ok, I get it now. I was just lucky to try it on the only blade where it works out of the box!

To make it word on the other blades, you have to change the rotation type from XYZ Euler to ZYX Euler.
That way it will first rotate on the Z and then turn around the main axis.

wouhou!!! you made my day!! its working fine now.

thank you very much.
