
Practice geo scatter and terrain modeling.Use gaea to create landscape.


I do like it a lot. Very nicely lit, that adds a lot to the depth of the scene.
Speaking of which, you really made good use of atmospheric perspective and rayleigh-scattering with the mountains in the background. This is something where CG-landscape renders often fall short, but your’s conveys the sense of scale properly.

If there’s one thing which seems a little off to my eye, it is the rotor blades look too thin at the base (where they’re attached to the axis).

Maybe a flock of birds passing in the distance might have been a nice touch.
You’ll get bonus points from me for including the aircraft contrail. It always seems odd to me how rare an occurance these are in CG artworks.
Like most artists were clinging to some romantisiced idea of the sky being without those (ironically often in Sci-Fi artworks with plenty of airborne traffic).

greetings, Kologe

thanks your suggesions Kologe!

Wow, this is incredibly well made and beautiful! At first glance, it seemed to me like you just posted a screenshot of the wind farm from Grand Theft Auto 5! :smiley:

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

Thank you bartv!

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Amazing!!! :smiley: :+1:

A lot of realism in this composition. The colors are great too; lots of harmony. Congratulation