
Hey guys, I’ve been a bit of a no-show lately with Uni and whatnot, but now that I FINALLY start my 3D major next semester I thought I’d better blow the virtual dust off Blender and get myself back into it, starting with a nice, quick, little Windmill scene. Any crits and comments are more than welcome.

Why is this in the WIP section lol, it looks done
Gj mate!

Thanks DDD :slight_smile: Yeh I don’t think I’ve ever called one of my projects finished… I still tinker around with stuff I made years ago

Sorry for the double post but I have a question for anyone who knows how to manually create a ‘mist’ effect on a material through nodes by fading the material to a flat colour the further it is from the camera… I’ve been using the preset mist but it actually sets the alpha rather than fading to a colour which means you can see the clouds through the mountains…

sorry to say but the size of windmill looks like it is around 6 inches high compared the the grass size !

but it’s looking good


Do I hear the Gorillaz in the background??? Great work!

I like it. I don’t have problems with the size of the grass, but I think the background looks a little bit dull. The hills are too smooth and have a strange color for my taste. Also there seems to be no depth in the sky, the texture looks like a shot straight up, but it should be more towards the horizon.

Thanks for the comments everyone :slight_smile:
@monsterkodi: Yeh I have to agree with you there, I think I’ll put some more depth in the sky background and make the hills flatter so it’s more like a rolling plain.

I have done this with composite nodes using the map value vector node. Nice explanantion on the Venom’s lab dvd.

P.S. nice scene little bit blurry overall for my taste.

I was just wondering how long it took you to model and texture all of that. Takes me forever to model stuff.

Hey guys, I took your comments into consideration and I’ve changed it around a bit; now the background is a bit more interesting and I’ve tried to make the sky look less like a billboard in the distance and more like the sky. Tell me what you think :slight_smile:

was just wondering how long it took you to model and texture all of that. Takes me forever to model stuff.

The modelling and texturing alone didn’t take very long… Only about an hour or so but I think of myself as a pretty slow modeller too… The bit that takes alot of time is tinkering around with everything and waiting for it all to render… Render preview is your friend :wink:

Hey guys, another quick update, I’ve made the grass go all the way to the edge of the frame on the right hand side and moved the birds around a bit… As I do each render…

Next I think I’ll make it look windy since it is a windmill so here’s a quick little test using a vector blur node. Tell me what you think :slight_smile: Also what are your thoughts on the Lens flare? Personally I like it there but as is normally the case we become desensitised to our work which means sometimes something that looks good to me looks crap to everyone else.

Thats a very subtle blur, increase it. Good decision on the grass i think.

[quote]Thats a very subtle blur, increase it.QUOTE]

The render itself takes a long time so it’s still just a low quality to test, but do you think that’s any better? I don’t want to blur to be too much or it’ll probably just look strange, but we’ll see when I actually render again.

Personally, I think the blur is unnecessary. Windmills like that don’t move very fast, and you wouldn’t get any blur at all unless you had a very low shutter speed.

Personally, I think the blur is unnecessary. Windmills like that don’t move very fast, and you wouldn’t get any blur at all unless you had a very low shutter speed.

That’s a good point, but I want to use it to kind of enforce the idea of it spinning, working or being windy etc. If I were aiming for absolute realism then I’d probably take a photo.

On the other hand though, it would probably look rather strange if it was completely overdone so I’m thinking I’ll tone it down slightly, thanks for the comment wing-it

Hey guys, I let my computer render the scene with the blur on it while I played Sonic 2 and here’s the result:

And another render of an angle I thought was different until I compared the two and saw that they were pretty much the same but this one’s zoomed:

Here’s a screenshot of my scene and as you can see, I’ve cut corners pretty much everywhere possible:

Looks good to me! Gd Job

That is looking nice. I like the blur. It is subtle but adds some dynamics.

I still would suggest that you try another sky texure. I think it could work really well with a sky that has some depth (with clouds getting smaller towards the horizon). And since I guess that the birds are in the current texture, it might be nice to have them fly in a formation if you decide to modell them yourself :slight_smile:

@monsterkodi: That’s a good idea, I think I’ll model the birds and put them in a formation, that way I might also make a quick looping animation once I’m happy with the composition of it all.