A quick and simple job in the internal, I hope you like it.
Full res. pic here: http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/189/c/5/windmill_by_slipknotter-d7ps9jn.png
A quick and simple job in the internal, I hope you like it.
Full res. pic here: http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/189/c/5/windmill_by_slipknotter-d7ps9jn.png
Its lovely. I like the light from the moon. Did you do anything fancy about it or?
Thank you! I used a material with .30 emit for the moon. For the lighting around it I used a halo sphere inside the moon object. Environment lighting also helped giving a nicer look.
I appreciate your feedback!