Windows Aero Glass

Hi, I am creating a folder and trying to add the Windows Aero look to it. I am not sure how I modify the glass shader? I simply selected the Glass BSDF, but it is far from what I am trying to achieve. It would be nice if someone can guide me with this. Thanks.

do you have a picture of what you’re trying to achieve?

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Something like this

show us what you’ve made so far, share the .blend file if possible.

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The "reflections"in the illustations are fake… manually added… if you want to do this in a rendered image you may have to add some environment texture or objects so you have something to reflect.

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Hi, thanks for the replies. My folder design is a simple one. I added

Roughness - 2.32
Transmission - 0.9
Alpha - 0.15
Alpha Blend
Alpha Hashed

and Brown Studio 4 - HDRI from Polyhaven

Edit 1:

I played around a bit with light and material and got this :slight_smile:


Instead of using glass, use fresnel to shader mix refraction (slot1) and glossy (slot2). That way you can increase refraction roughness without affecting glossy, which glass shader don’t allow for. I have no idea about Eevee though.

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