Wings with Cloth Physics

I’m trying to create a pair of dragon/bat wings using cloth physics, and the wing membrane has thickness to it, so everytime I move them, the cloth physics start clipping trough eachother. I know you can solve this by using a mesh deform and have it instead have the cloth simulation, but how would I do that on wings? They are attached to a character and are rigged and the bone/finger parts shouldn’t deform. Do I do multiple mesh deforms on the membranes and then try to rig them as well or do I cover the whole wing with a mesh deform and risk deforming the bones parts as well?

I had a similar problem once and @anon65932258 helped me. Here’s the link:

Btw i gave up with a cloth (wings were too floppy) and used weight painted mesh instead, with (i think) a better result: