Winston Churchill re-render

This is a re-render of a scuplt I made of Winston Churchill earlier this year and posted here. I was unhappy with the skin material, so for this one, I changed the skin material, re-did the lighting and changed his expression.

The re-do was done in Blender 3.6.5 on a 2012 Mac Pro stuffed with an AMD RTX6900XT GPU.


Wow, looks really good. :ok_hand:

Cire thanks very much - appreciate the comment!
If you zoom in you can see lots of detail.

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

Thanks Bart!!!

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There are lots of things about this image which really make it work. For instance, the fact that you see his right eye only as a “gleam,” and the way that the light falls over his left eye and his face. The skin textures look very good also, and I think that the expression “reflects the man,” while making him very human – slightly vulnerable. An excellent portrait.

sundialsvc4 Thank you for your comments, insight and taking the time to leave your impressions. I am very pleased you felt compelled to centre your expressions about the portrait as ‘art’ as opposed to technical observations (which are great to hear as well, but not as compelling as ‘art comments’). You really made my day! Many thanks.

Love the asymmetry.

Ontogenic Wow - good eye. Winston is very asymmetric! When sculpting a portrait, I am never quite sure when to make the move away from symmetrical sculpting because when making a portrait of a known person, it most often doesn’t really look like them until you introduce asymmetry. Very few people have symmetrical faces.