My idea is so that when you surface the particles, you can freely scale, rotate, and move the mesh, even while it simulates or when paused. You can also edit, subdivide ( to improve quality), and smooth. You can add Dynamic paint waves. There is still a lot to be done.
Here is a video showing how fast it can surface particles.
Thank you all (:
I will be releasing it soon, after I add more features. @kala_ndo
yea i’ve tried their addon, but it sort of lags and takes too long to get good detail.
i’ve tested the speed my addon surfaces the particles,
500,000 particles surfaced in under 10 seconds.
Well right now resolution is based on particle amount.
But I will be adding an option that will let you increase mesh resolution with little particle amount.
& I’m thinking about having it be a node based particle surfacing tool
Node based is cool, but for me the main thing is to be able to surface particles at all. Too complicated setup is also not good, but if you think that could give some flexibility… ok!
Is there a specific release date? I have waited for something this efficient and fast and you have finally have the solution. Just imagine all the possibilities with the particle fluids and your surfacer. I can’t wait!