A while back I had this idea to create an industrial asset pack for blender. Something that is inspired by brutalist architecture, and big concrete megastructures from various media.
I also wanted to implement geometry nodes in some shape or form.
While this is a huge undertaking, and I might just forget about this project, I thought I’d share some of my progress.
First of all I made a pipe generator using geometry nodes: The main idea is that you can extrude away to your heart’s content, and this setup would add random pipe-like details to your geometry.
Here is the mesh edge with the geometry nodes:
This is the geometry being generated on:
The geonode setup: (I tried to clean it up…)
I also made a setup where the pipes are arrayed along the curve such as this:
This could also be used as cable arrays, but I do need to implement cable dispalcement due to gravity, etc.
The base mesh is similar to the one used in the pipe asset mentioned above.
Here is the geo node setup and controls:
And here is the secret sauce that arrays the pipes along the curve with the correct normals:
I also realized that geometry nodes now has “menu switch” nodes.
This meant I could make semi-procedural assets that let the user choose between different options.
Here is an example:
Or for example when you have an array of different support strucutres, instead of separate array objects, you can choose wich support model you want:
Anyway this is what I have so far. But once I have more I will share here… maybe…