WIP automatic retopology addon

so, its been a while since I released my first retopology addon.

Although it did what it promised, it was never quite good enough. So I’m redoing the thing from scratch again with a new algorithm.

I should say I have two contending paths I currently unsure on how to follow. both have pros and cons.

The first idea is a swarm-intelligence algorithm with micro agents that communicate, move and proliferate to construct a mesh in a way (which I believe) is similar to cells on an embryo, it would ve be implemented as a compiled python extension module,

The second idea would run as parallel shaders on the GPU.

the extension module would run on CPU and although very fast, its not nearly as fast as the GPU and output would be limited to maybe around 30k verts on a 3Ghz processor, and I would not be able to release the add-on for mac. The advantage is the amount of control it would have, The plan is to have the user be able to control the output of the remesher while its still generating in real-time, draw guides and see the mesh self-organize in a few seconds, I could make a brush that lets you “Comb” and “Smear” the polygons to reorganize them and adjust the density on the fly.

The shader implementation, should give similar results, but the algorithm would be implemented very differently as a fuzzy holographic encoding of the resulting mesh, its stupidly fast and could easily go up to 100k verts on even a crappy gpu like mine. the issue is that GPU shaders are a literal pain to debug and write and I dont think I can implement the same interactive tools as the CPU version.


Respect. That’s some crazy shtuff there. :star_struck:

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Keep going :clap:

update on state of the particle swarm algorithm.


Watching your most recent video update, thought occur:

can you incentivize the particles to cluster at creases & corners, & areas of smaller radius-of-curvature? Lots of particles are achieving equidistance on planar surfaces where I suspect they are less useful; and not nearly enough particles at corners and angles where more needed.

Keep up the great work. This is awesome! :smiley:

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Thats what I intend, though that comes after I manage them for form a square lattice that scales dynamically with the flow of topology.

thats the part that got me stuck for so many years.

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The current Retopo tools in Sculpt mode tend to melt/web/join close-features, especially fingers and mouth-corners for me… any solution for that would be welcome.

Aside from that, just watching your videos is cool! Maybe you could make some with spheres instanced at each particle, just for the Art… and not mention that you are working on retopo tools. I imagine you could get some cool artistic effects. :smiley:

Yes, I’m aiming for that nanobot swarm effect for the final visual.

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