[WIP]Bevel after Boolean

You do realize you can just post a .py file on forum?

You do not like zip? Or some other reasons?

Zip is fine, it just keeps from having to unzip the .py file every time.

Blender can install .zip automatically.

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AFWS… go to file>user preferences>add-ons>insall add-on from file… there you can install the add-on directly from the zip file. There is no need to unzip it.

Today or tomorrow I will try to port to blender 2.80 version of bab 0.2.2


bab v0.2.2 for 2.80
In the ‘pipe’ mode, it works incorrectly

BVHTree.FromObject (curve_cut, context.depsgraph) #not work

Does not work with subdiv.

I do not know why. But for some reason is does not allow to create groups of vertices. And only in the add-on if done manually, then everything is fine.

Subdiv can be applied before use.

bab_v_0_2_2.py (34.3 KB)


Fantastic work! i use this addon a lot im glad its making it to 2.8

Will there be a better method for custom normals eventually? as is they make the bevel look very tight and give it a bit of a crease in the middle, dont match the actual shape of the bevel well.

still better than default normals

Unfortunately, it doesn’t work for me.

location: :-1
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “E:\Blender-28\scripts\addons\bevel_after_boolean.py”, line 282, in execute
prepare_object(self, context)
File “E:\Blender-28\scripts\addons\bevel_after_boolean.py”, line 366, in prepare_object
if len(self.bool_obj.vertex_groups) != 0:
AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘vertex_groups’
location: :-1

Build from today.

I will experiment on this.

Do you have boolean?

Sorry Rodinkov_Ilya, I made a mistake.
It’s working now.

Is the normal that a copy of the object is created in the same place?

This is the object that you used as a boolean.

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Maybe you should hide the object when you use Union.


Thank you for this wonderful addon.

I do double the observation of rHebKo… this is a problem I too have mentioned in the past but he expressed it better than me. The problem is not so big but it is a problem.

Also get back, please, the pipe producing option too. It is very useful. I mean the option that instead of producing a bevel in the boolean intersection area, it produces a polygon pipe. Such an option is very useful because someone can boolean the pipe with an object on the surface of which it fits perfectly.

Привет Илья.
Thank you for the wonderful addon.
It works well, but in some cases happens something like this

Ok. I will add in the next version(Bounding Box).


Also get back, please, the pipe producing option too.

I will add in the next version.

Попробуете использовать “Custom Pipe”. В текущей версии blender не работает проверка на самопересечение из-за этой ошибки https://developer.blender.org/T58734.
Try using “Custom Pipe”. The current version of blender does not work for self-intersection due to this error https://developer.blender.org/T58734.

Но может ошибка в чем-то еще. Попозже посмотрю.


I found some issues with the 2.8 version. The bevel doesn’t show unless Stop calculations is turned off. Stop calculations is True even though it shows default being False. When turning it to False it gives a bunch of errors. Also on your operator properties you need to replace the = with : .

If you switch Stop to False by default. That in blender 2.8 vertex groups are not created. I do not know why

Where can I read about it?
edit: Found.