[WIP]Bevel after Boolean

Most likely I will not have time to finish everything. Therefore, I will lay out what has been done so far.

For Variable Radius:

  • In the Add-on you need to select Preview Curve.

  • Then you need to enter the curve editing mode.

  • Perform the necessary actions. Let’s choose a point in proportional editing and change its radius (Alt + S).

  • Exit edit mode

  • Press the Custom Bevel and that’s it

For create Bevel on selected Edges:

  • Enter edit mode

  • Select the needed edges (closed loops)

  • Click Custom Edge

  • Select object and press Bevel

Also added a triangular profile. Sometimes works better. To avoid mistakes, the Buttons appears only if one object is selected.


boolean_bevel_v_0_0_2(test2).py.zip (4.07 KB)

The main thing needed in this tool is the creation of non-twisted clear cut curve pipes (which will make the basis of the bevelling). It is the crucial point. Solving the problems that have to do with this point will make it a great tool. In such a case it will work on any surface without any problem.

It already produces great results with spherical and cylindrical objects on flat surfaces. And something very important that I discerned recently: it produces excellent bevellings in ‘slice’ boolean operation cases too. A ‘rebool’ with actual bevelling on it, in other words!

Hi Ilya, thanks for your add-on!!

testing it on the attached .blend i get strange results


block_test.blend (569 KB)

This is basically what mesh fusion does that ensures a better/ smooth connection of mesh geometry between the bevel and the 2 pieces of cut objects.

It keeps the bevel stripe all quads, and connect the cut geometry with the bevel stripe in all triangle/quads. No N-gons.

I was able to achieve this using quite minimal amount of automation. I just had to make sure I pre-select the correct geometry.

First select the N-gons around the bevel stripe, triangulate them. Then, find the vertices that still creates N-gons on the bevel stripe, select them all(shift G can do the work), and dissolve them with “Delete Vertices = True, Face Split = True”

I have written more than once: it does not work correctly with sharp edges

Thank you. I’ve done before too, but without removing the vertex on Bevel.

This is the final wire. Restriction on pictures

In theory, I can automate this completely. I just need to understand how to take an array of selected vertices.

Edit: Found how. I’ll start to do. Thanks again.
Edit2: Wrote, it remains to integrate into add-on. True, the search of all the vertices can last a long time. I have to find a better solution.


No one knows how to speed up the creation of the list?
It works, but creating a list is very slow.
dissolve_vertex = [v for v in bm.verts if v.select]
select_history does not work.
Is there any other way?
Edit: I went a little different way. Works much faster.

Ask in the dev IRC channel #blendercoders


As it seems to me, I found a way to remove the edges that interfered with Bevel.

Edit: Integrated into Add-on. It seems everything works.

All of this seems great ! ^^

THIS IS AWESOME! Rodinkov, I’m glad you figured it out. :smiley:

I thought that with the last version the issue with sharp edges was solved

I hope and wait the next wonderful one!! :slight_smile:

This last version, is it available? Or is Ilya testing it as of now?

This sounds great!!!

All those days I tried to experiment with various modelling situations using the add-on… below I put an image demonstrating a problem I met with the bevelling of the handle cut of the object (the mesh image). I did not be able to do it thicker and smoother. It is a problem with some edges, you can thicken them only to a very small degree. Hope that now this problem will be solved. : - )

Btw, the render results that the bevels give are, in most cases, excellent (as the one below)…

Indeed this is really nice !

Fatesailor, This is due to the self-intersection of the curve. Partly, it can be solved using Custom Bevel. It is necessary to reduce the radius in the places of self-intersection.

Maybe you misunderstood me, I meant that the new functions work, not everything.
This is an intermediate version.

New options:
Smooth - corrects twisting of a curve
Triangulate - Triangulate NGon
Method - Triangulate method
Fix Bevel - removes the interfering edges

Now I want to measure the speed of the removal of different stages. And I’ll try to fix the slow stages. Also it is necessary to make a normal UI. Based on the AFWS menu, if he does not mind. But I’ll transfer some parameters to the settings. Also I will remove garbage from the code. I will also try to solve the self-intersection problem.


boolean_bevel_v_0_0_2_5.py.zip (4.43 KB)

I’m worshipping this script in my attic. LOL

If I manage to improve anything, will let you know.

Forgot to attach pictures:
Without Fix Bevel

With Fix Bevel