[WIP]Bevel after Boolean

Может тебе нужно повесить действие на тригер выхода. Типа скрипт отслеживает когда пользователь выходит из цикла (перезагружает сцену или загружает другую), и автоматически срабатывает действие удалить линию. Прикол с линией срабатывает даже в момент когда открываю, ранее созданую сцену. Либо второй вариант выполнять действие при входе в в сцену. Те когда сцена открывается происходит рефреш такой автоматическое удаление линий в сцене.

Maybe you need to hang the action on the exit trigger. The script monitors when the user exits the loop (reloads the scene or loads another), and the delete line action is automatically triggered. The joke with the line works even when I open a previously created scene. Or the second option is to perform an action when entering the scene. Those when the scene is opened there is a refresh such automatic removal of lines in the scene.

Добавил удаление линий в деструктор. Но он вызывается, только при открытии или создании новой сцены.

Added line deletion to the destructor. But it is called only when opening or creating a new scene.


It would be great to see this thing finised and stable. It’s under development 5 years or something and usually when i try it falis. It’s maybe only me.

Secondly, it would be great to have a world wide agency (for example Developer Forcer Agency, DFA), which follows progammers and force them to finish their cool addons. So when they stop to update or develop, some DFA tactical units brakes the doors and jumps in to their living rooms, to force them to code… :joy:

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It is a fact that sometimes it falls but it does not fall always. In so many cases it works ok. And this makes it very precious as a tool, despite its shortcomings.

After all the operations that tries to achieve are not easy, so its having weaknesses in some cases should be something expectable.

Only I’m not a programmer. I started making this plugin for myself. And posts about hurry up or something like that have the opposite property.


you are the best man ! one click one bevel ! you realy saved me ! :heart:

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Will you update to 2,92, or just my me is working incorrectly?

It works normally just don’t use v4.0 that one is experimental. Use

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Yes I’m planning an update


A small update and litle fix for Blender 2.92:
bab_v_0_3_1_3.py (107.8 KB)


Thanks a lot, It works perfectly right now, my dream is that this addon can be edited like Hard mesh in Maya, but ı think with Subdv it seems like the booelan after bavel, Blender will make the scene laggy. This is just my opinion, thanks for taking Time and updating it :wink:

There appears to be a problem in the latest version:

Does this always happen ?

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Yes, I tried it many times!

If you reset the parameters, does the same thing happen ?
What version of Blender are you using ?

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The problem is remaining even after choosing the ‘restore operator defaults’.

I am using the latest official version of Blender (2.92.0).

How does it work in 2.83.13? EDIT: Which is compatible with 2.83.13? Thanks EDIT: See post 1181 for download for 2.83. thanks

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Everything works fine for me. Can you send a blend file and the settings you do it with ?

I specify the links in the first post (header)


Below is the file:

BAB problem.blend (2.5 MB)

If use Fast solver, the problem disappears.
For some reason, after Exact, the Pipe subtraction works poorly (using Fast)

This leads to problems.