[WIP]Bevel after Boolean

Thanks for the tips Michael. I still am trying to understand its workings. Also, its author said that he will make a step by step tutorial video soon. So, it will be easier to delve deeper into its way of working.

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Спасибо за видео.
Я могу ошибаться, но создание оффсетов таким способом , будет очень плохо работать при изогнутых формах исходного меша (принцип работы модификатора Solidify (Если нормаль не совпадет с нужной)). Также очень много модификаторов, которые нагружают систему. И в конце еще и ремешит весь объект.

Thank you for the video.
I may be wrong, but creating offsets in this way will work very poorly with curved shapes of the original mesh (the principle of the Solidify modifier (If the normal does not match the desired one)). There are also a lot of modifiers that load the system. And in the end, the entire object is also destroyed.

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Это неэтично. Самое простое, что приходит на ум - это пускать лучи по кругу через ray_cast. Проблема только в том, как вырезать полученные точки в геометрии и удалить излишки. И как не допустить прохождение на сквозь в тонкостенных объектах. Недели через 2-2,5 попробую что-нибудь. Сейчас не будет времени и комппьютера.

This is unethical. The simplest thing that comes to mind is to allow the rays to pass in a circle through the “ray_cast”. The only problem is how to cut the resulting points in the geometry and remove the excess. And how to prevent passage through thin-walled objects. I’ll try something in 2-2. 5 weeks. At the moment, there is neither time nor a computer.


по русски пишете, ничего с вами не сделаешь
а я что, лысый? тоже буду!

Здравствуйте, Илья. Хочу поинтересоваться, есть ли задумки или может уже в проекте сделать реализацию BAB на Geometry Nodes?
Ведь это то чего мы все ждали! (я думаю)

Hello Ilya.
I would like to ask if there are any ideas or you already have project of the implementation of the BAB on the Geometry Nodes?
After all, this is what we have all been waiting for! (I think)

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Здравствуйте. Я еще не смотрел возможности Geometry Nodes, но такое желание есть.
Hello. I haven’t looked at the capabilities of Geometry Nodes yet, but there is such a desire.


Я просто хотел поблагодарить за этот прекрасный аддон, спасибо вам Илья!

I just wanted to say thank you for this beautiful addon, thank you Ilya!


Could anyone confirm if this is still working as intended in 2.93.4 LTS? I’m trying to give it a go but I’m not getting good results. Should I go back to a previous blender version?

It works for me

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So bab_v_0_3_6 is the latest version for 2.93?

It doesn’t seem to be working properly.


much better

Hi, could you explain the logic of how you go from the pipe to a bevel on the original object?


Nice explanation

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Thanks for the explanation :+1:

Hi Ilya, love the addon but would it be possible to integrate something like this boundary-aligned-remesh into this addon?

Another example: https://blendermarket.com/products/smooth-mesh-fill--hole-repair

I would try it myself but unfortunately I suck at coding.
Having this type of edge smoothing would be great for 3D-printing and models where there isnt a need for good edge flow/shading, and it might be a good way of avoiding some of the issues that bevels cant handle.


I have very little time right now. If the time comes, I’ll see what I can do.


Hello,seem the bab v 0 3 1 5.py seems not work with blender 3.0.

Hope you could do a fix.

Thanks by advance.

Best regards


Something has changed again in Exact Boolean.
I’ll try to fix it later. At the moment, you can use Fast Boolean


Thanks for the response,
hope you can find a fix because your tool is awesome!

Best regard.

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