[WIP] NAFS - Race: Racing Game - concept and execution

Hey Guys,

maybe someone had seen it on my Youtube Channel or at the “Screenshots Extra Extra!!”-Thread; I’m currently working at a new Game Project.
The development at “LEGO GTA” is freezed at the moment, because its an to big project and there are some features I haven’t thought-out really well.

That’s the reason why I started the new Game with more organization and compatibility to other projects (e.g. “LEGO GTA” which will profit through the development process hopefully)

The idea behind the project:

  • try out and develop some cool new stuff

  • better project management

  • compatibility to different OS (Linux, Windows, Mac)

  • include more art and beauty (hopefully :smiley: )

  • anyone can include his own cars/ vehicles (Addon compatibility)

  • Develop of new Assets which can be included easy in other games (e.g. my Screenshotsystem)

  • LOD

  • AI for Cars

  • Database :ballot_box_with_check:

  • (secure a complete game with pycrypto => maybe?)

  • (Sell the game?)

Ideas I like to include: (This will be updated permanently, see it as a “Roadmap”)

  • Multiplayer

  • Splitscreen

  • LAN/ Online

  • control - settings

  • Keyboard

  • Joystick

  • weather (?)

  • seasons (?)

  • Day/ Night (?)

  • Story

  • AI for opponent cars

  • Race opponents

  • Police-Cars

  • Civil-Cars

  • Different Languages :ballot_box_with_check:

  • English :ballot_box_with_check:

  • German :ballot_box_with_check:

  • Spanish :ballot_box_with_check: (But not perfect translated, I think)

  • France (?)

  • User System :ballot_box_with_check:

  • Add User :ballot_box_with_check:

  • Change Username :ballot_box_with_check:

  • Delete User (This would be difficult, I think :confused: )

  • Settings :ballot_box_with_check:

  • Graphic :ballot_box_with_check:

  • SSAO :ballot_box_with_check:

  • Motionblur :ballot_box_with_check:

  • Smoke :ballot_box_with_check:

  • HUD :ballot_box_with_check:

  • Minimap :ballot_box_with_check:

  • and co. :ballot_box_with_check:

  • LOD - Level of detail

  • DOF - Deep of Field

  • Water-Quality :ballot_box_with_check:

  • Anisotropic Filtering strengh :ballot_box_with_check:

  • Language :ballot_box_with_check:

  • Music (On/Off) :ballot_box_with_check:

  • Volume

  • Sounds(On/Off) :ballot_box_with_check:

  • Cheats :ballot_box_with_check:

  • Updates :ballot_box_with_check:

  • Choose a Car :ballot_box_with_check:

  • Drive a car :ballot_box_with_check:

  • Buy a car (User dependent) :ballot_box_with_check:

  • Sell a car :ballot_box_with_check:

  • Update-System :ballot_box_with_check:

    The current development is fixed on the following main aspects: (The development after “Last Update”)

  • Create a full Music-System

  • Include more Setting-functions

  • (Car-Tuning)

The main concept:

Here is the newest Video:

*Racing Game = Development Name
The real Name is “NAFS-Race”.

Hopefully you like the project. :slight_smile:


[Last Update 29.03.2013]

Hey Folks,
I want to inform you about the current progress in development.

Some features I’d implemented/ finished now:

  • Load different Languages from a Database (currently Englisch and German) [see below]

  • Load the data from Database and store it in local variables (globalDict)

  • Load car details from Database and add them(btw. the selected car) into game-World

  • Load szenario details from Database and add the szenario into game-World

  • Loadscreen and wait-sounds between car selection and game-world

  • “iFlowProduction Game” Intro

  • Engines-Intro (bge, Bullet and X-Emitter) [see below]

  • New Database(btw. table) for a upcoming Music-system

  • HUDs

  • Minimap-Border

  • Position and Lap - bar


“Language-ID” = 1:

“Language-ID” = 2:


More details are coming soon. :slight_smile:

Please share your statement to the game, if you like. :wink:


Don’t do shadows on the engines intro.

Your framerate is ridiculously low, what are you rendering in the scenes. Try to use one texture, no shadows and as lees objects as possible, specially transparent ones…
Good luck!

I’d checked the scenes and there were to many physic-objects in it.
I’d forgotten to set them to “No Collision”.
=> For example the moving Gears top left used physics or the “X-Emitter”-Logo which had the default static-collision at every polygon.

Thanks for the tip, I hadn’t recognized, that the framerate is slowing down. :smiley: (Because everything was running smooth)

To give you (and others) an example how everything is is viewed in realtime (and not only as screenshot, like in my last post) I’d uploaded a new video which shows the new features (Intros and the Loadingscreen).


is ur loading screen in the vids a real loading screen? or just to make it apper to be one. and howd u tell it to show that when loading stuff?

It’s a real loading screen.
The Scenario and the car are loading at a background-scene from different extern blend-files (LibLoad) :wink:
(btw. the Game-Scene is the “real” scene and the Loading-screen is a overlay-scene)
After loading the Scenario the loading-screen will be removed. (Loading the Scenario takes the most time)

Without the Loading-screen there would be only a white background and the user could thought, that the game has been crashed.

*Edit for my previous post:
One of the lamps had activated variance-shadows with a resolution of 4000. I’d forgot to remove it after a test.

News! :slight_smile:

The Game “NAFS-Race” (the new Name for it) has now a working User-System with language-selection and Settings.

The following video shows the current process in development:

Today I want to show you the newest progress.

I’d finished the Settings-Menu and it saves everything for the currently used user.
Now you can change the language (a new language is instantly used after switching to the main-menu) and every setting-point has it’s own button (with colour for each setting-state [True/False]).
Maybe I replace the “Cube”(Red/Green) with a hook and a cross.

Here’s a screenshot of it:

Some Settings (SSAO, Smoke, Motionblur, HUD) are used ingame yet.

The next step:
I will include a function(or menu) to add, delete or change(the name) a user.
New details are following.

Would it be interesting for you, if I post and explain some code?


It’s time to provide the newest video with you!

The video shows the new minimap, new drive-dynamic, new lighteffects (as example the red lamp), improved camera-movement and new settings like Music(On/Off) and Minimap(On/Off).

New details are following,

Today I’d tested the performance a bit.

Result: After 200 added cars, the Engine slowed down.

-MotionBlur activated (missed to switch it off)
-Cars automatically added via puls-actuator
[INDENT=2]-> The car-count is shown in Debug-Properties

-i5 2500 3,3Ghz (4cores)
-8Gb RAM
-GeForce GTX 570 GS GLH (1280mb dedicated and up to 4Gb from RAM)

-Windows 7 64Bit Professional
-Blender r53340 (2.65.3)

1 car = 65.491 Polygons

[INDENT=2]colli-shape = 28 Polygons
1 Wheel = 60 Polygons => 4 Wheels = 320 Polys
mesh = 65223 Polys

=> 28 + 240 + 65223 = 65.491Polys

200 cars = 200 * 65.491 = 13.098.200 Polygons (No collision)

200 cars-collision-shape = 28 * 200 = 5.600 Polygons (Rigid-Body and NO sleeping with turned down mass, to move them with another car)

So, there were roundabout 13 Million polygons in the scene and 5.600 polygons with activated Rigid-Body physics and the fps is still round about 60fps.
I think the Game Engine is powerful. :wink:

But take a look at the video :slight_smile:

Your project is looking great! :smiley:

Textures will decrease performance…

it power of your gtx570
my note book use gt450 just box rigid body around 3000 box
fps is drop to 10-30

Thanks for your reply guys, I will do some tests in future again (witch textures and at other systems).
(My Notebook dropped fps after 8 cars… :D)

Currently (next to learning for my final exams) I’m creating the “Buy-System” for the game.
A first code checks if the car was buyed and if not, it switches the UI to “Buy-Mode”.
After clicking “Buy”, the UserID and CarID will be saved in a Table which shows, that the car was buyed.
(Not finished completely until now. ;))

Also I’d do some code-fixing and comment each module.


Looks great, really nice ideas, best of luck! :slight_smile:

I’m use win7 32 bit in glsl mode
when I test I don’t use texture at all
and I use notebook
I5 2430m 2g ram
nvidia gtx450m 1g ram

New information folks! :slight_smile:

I’d finished the “Buy-Sytem”.

It’s now possible to buy a car from users-Money. (Currently not displayed, but still there and it decreases with every buy.)
The sign “Tuning Possible” is for demo purposes only and shows, that the car is a bought one.

Also I’d created a new Intro and a friend of me composed a nice melody.
I hope you like it. :slight_smile:

Next steps for User-/Car-Management:

  • Add a “Sell-System” (A car can be sold for 1/2 of it’s original Price)

But look yourself:


To relax while programming, I’m modelling the environment for the game.

Here’s the current garage status.
Hope you like it. :slight_smile:

Hi there!

I’d updated the garage a bit and improved the car-steering.
Also I’d fixed several bugs.

*(The mouse while driving is a recording-bug.)