Hey and moonacious greetings,
I am (since forever) working on the Moonman Chronicles. Actually I wanted to totally redesign it and just improve it in every level. There is a slight chance that you might have seen it on the forum before.
(here’s the website link. I’m desperately trying to get people to check out the site as I worked on it quite a bit in 2018 )
Whenever I find the time to not work on client animations and other stuff (god freelancing can be alot sometimes) I try to work a bit on TMMC.
And here’s a WIP Robot which is meant to be part of the story. Here are a few unfinished versions …
hardops and decal machine were quite handy obv.
I would love to do more on TMMC so if (even by that little information I have out there right now) you would like to join me in my quest, let me know, or check out my patreon (link is on my website)
Thanks so much for reading,