[WIP] Sculpt-January

After a long time I finally got some time off again and decided to (loosely) participate in the 30-day “Sculpt-January”-challenge. Since I’m pretty far behind already, I doubt I’ll be able to catch up, but I’ll post whatever I do get done in this thread.

I decided to go with the hardest one first, which is the “Fav-Actor”-challenge of 7th January.

Ideally, somebody will already be able to recognize who this is, but it’s still WIP so it’s not tragic if noone recognizes him :wink:

(dyntopo, about 50min so far):

He’s not really my favorite actor, but I do like his work and felt like sculpting him.
Not that it’s necessary for the sculpting challenge, but I’m going to retopologize and texture him eventually.

Feedback is appreciated!

Edit: The torso and part of the neck will be covered by clothing, so I mainly focused on the head itself.

Ps: To the experienced sculptors out there: What Focal Length do you usually sculpt in? I tend to adjust mine until I like it stylistically, but It’s possible, that that’s not very wise. Do you usually just pick one at the beginning and then stick to it?

Looks like a solid head sculpt although I can’t recognize him yet. Creating a likeness is tough business :slight_smile:

As for focal length my default for the viewport is 60mm. Just seems natural and undistorted to me.

it’s that guy from feris beulers day off, right?
(edit) Mathew Broderick, right?

Thanks for the comments, guys. Sadly the likeness above didn’t really turn out that great and I’m going to give it another shot a bit later. It’s not the guy from ‘Ferris Bueller’s Day Off’, unfortunately :wink:

As for the challenge: I was sick most of last week and started late to begin with so I doubt I’ll be able to catch up. I’m probably just going to pick the challenges I like and do those when I have time.

I did do a little practice sculpt this morning, however. I quite like the way it turned out, so I’ll just shamelessly post it here and hijack my own thread for a bit :RocknRoll:.
It’s an original sculpt (no reference, for practice) and I added the film filter to it. Haven’t done the pores and most of the folds yet. It’s also largely symmetrical which I do eventually plan to change.
Took me almost 3 hours just to get this far. I had to switch to Mudbox to fix a few errors caused by the multi-res modifier, but it’s 98% done in Blender.

Hopefully I’ll be able to work a bit more on this one and be back soon with a few challenge updates.