WIP Wedding rings ,please advice

here is the first petal :slight_smile:


how did you do this UV mapping?

did you make an object the same shape petal then apply the UV mapping?

but hen you need to fold it to the shape of the petal on flower ?

and are you going to UV that on the first flowers shown earlier?


all correct :slight_smile:
part for the previous flowers .
i will make a new flower that more details the movie scenario has changed

i bout flowers to make the texture

Looking good. :slight_smile:

I’m not very fond of jewellery boxes, so I came to think of one of the suggestions you got earlier and made this


Have an express delivery service arrive with the rings.

A pigeon may not be the easiest thing to model but if you feel you can handle it…

Don’t feel obliged to use it, I’m just having a bit of fun with my drawing board. :slight_smile:

see pic for fountain

i did a model of a dove

and also a model of a glass with a dove

give me time to find it on my disk late this night sorry!

i’ shoe the pic but that’s a stainglass


wow thank you guys :slight_smile:
looking good
a few days ago i was by the sea hanging around and then the idea came to me

here is the story

a house in the country , where there is allot of grass :slight_smile:
the story starts on a hill next to the house
then a ray of red light is coming and flying in the air , making a shape of an heart
after it come the wind,
the camera follow the wind to the window of the house ,
on the window there is a planter filled with white flowers
the the wind pullout 3 petal from the flowers ,
the camera now following the wind and the petal flying in the room
while the camera if flying in the room ,there are pictures of the young couple on the walls
and in the end the 3 petal are falling slowly by the rings .
then i show blender logo and yafaray logo
THE END :slight_smile:

i like the pidgin ,good hand u have .
i also really want to see richard pidgin model
can u see the pidgin in my story ?

i guess by tomorrow i have a flower to show :slight_smile:

some of the model i began but not completed

like the dove i did not complete entirely the model and still need to put some good uv mapping on it !

how do you like the marble fountain?

the first one is more a stainglass and the seoncd i a real 3D model of a dove

Happy blendering

To be honest I think a fountain would be quite cheesy, and the story is a bit cheesy too. And unless the couple are scifi nerds, it would probably be best to avoid heart etching laser beams. :slight_smile:

It would certainly be possible to make an animation of the bird landing, as can be seen here. But I think you should keep animation as an option to use if there is time over when you have finished the image.

hey thanks you the dove look nice :slight_smile:
i think that set smooth and a texture will make it look great

the fountain is too colorful for the scene .
do i think where we can place it in the story that i tell before ?

its not a laser beams :slight_smile:
its something like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZerH2Ac9tg&NR=1
Light Streak is the correct way to say it :slight_smile:
and it suppose to be for a few seconds to make the first trigger of the wind :slight_smile:

about the petal flying around the house ,
they will fly slow to the wind ,
i can describe it as ,they are flying in a rhythm of a slow piano music
while photo’s of them on the wall to show them in the movie ,
and will hover/fly to the ring box finally .

hope u get more clean image of what i want .
and it the story is drawn different from the previous explanation

u still think its cheesy ??

can u image some scene and share it with us:)

What do you want to tell with the story? I think it feels more like a memorial of a deceased couple. The images show how they looked when they were alive and in the end the rings are all that remains.

If you are going to make a story, wouldn’t it be better to make a story about two things coming together?

Maybe about the rings, they are rolling on different locations, on roofs, drain pipes, bouncing down stairs etc. till they bump into one another and comes to rest.

yes u have something in what u are saying.
but its hard for me to think of two rings bouncing around :slight_smile:

ok u are right i should give up this idea .
i need to rethink it
any ideas will be welcome

Here is some dove i am trying to make


dove1.blend (291 KB)

Nice. The shape is good, but the geometry has some problems.

Here, take a look at how I changed the upper part of the beak: http://www.pasteall.org/blend/305

I removed quite a lot of loops on the head too. It’s still rather messy, but it gives the idea of how dense I think a mesh should be.

after thinking of what to do (with mazui)
this is what going to be (hope ill be able to finish it)
scene :
god ask gabriel to sow the seeds of unification of man and woman!
gabriel is seeding rings from the skyes
the rings are falling from the sky ,
one of the rings fall on a house and rolling down.
another falling on a tree and rolling on the tree branches
till they meet each other (that is the main idea shortly)
i am almost finished the house .
will post updates soon

here is a part of the house and a windows
i am working on the main door now


How much time do you have till this has to be finished?

renders, could be better.

there is no texture yet, please advice
i used yafaray , the images included now is in blender

i guess ill finsih it in the close two day’s

here is the main door image ,
i render it using blender ,cause for some reason i cant
see the duplicate object group in yafaray render
