Hello guys, I have a problem with a clown pass. I know it is not as greatly implemented in blender/cycles as it is in other engines yet and I am aware that there are several workarounds.
Anyway I have a problem to create a clown/ID pass that would take in consideration alpha of a foliage and vegetation in general. Clown pass that I am able to create in blender/cycles doesn’t work on leaves cutout by alpha instead it creates color of a raw mesh (that is not same shape as final alpha cut leaf).
IS there a way to get ID/clown pass that would copy exact shape of a leaf that has alpha on?
What a great question. I would like to know a smart way of doing this myself
EDIT: Cryptomatte is the way for me now, thanx to Lumpengnom
Meanwhile what I would do is to make a copy of my project(Save as…). Select all the objects except leaves and assign a blank material to them. For leaves material leave transparent as is and set white emission to the leaf. Oh, and you may also need to set up World material.
I thought cryptomatte would not handle transparency in this case. But it actually do amazing work.
Haven’t tried AOV pass before, but it is also really helpful.
Thank you so much!