Wireframe on only one axis?

Hi folks,

I’m trying to create a wireframe in the style of the image shown below.

So, although the grid (which has been displaced by noise) has equal X and Y resolution, only the lines of one axis are showing.

If you take a look at my video linked below, you can see i’ve got this working by joining a wireframe together with a solid grid, and the solid grid is masking out the backface wires.

Problem is, it only works well with high subdivision. You can see that when i want a more sharp angled look, the solid grid no longer matches up with the wireframe, because the resample node is adding points on the X axis as well, which i don’t really want. So the solid grid no longer fits to the wireframe grid correctly.

So my question is two-fold: does anyone know how i can fix my node setup to solve this problem?

And, perhaps there’s a much easier way to actually achieve what i want?

Here’s the blend file in case anyone wants to take a look:
wireframe one AXIS.blend (940.7 KB)

Just a little pumpizzle on this one, i feel sure there must be an better way than i’m doing it!

Any ideas?

i am sorry, but i don’t understand what you mean. I now joined in your GN setup the “lower” grid with your upper grid (hopefully you meant that by your “landscape”) and this two always perfectly fit. So of course if you increase the count, the lines will get smoother. If you want to have it not that smooth, you could increase the roughness of the texture e.g. …or (and this might be the case) i totally misunderstood you and i don’t understand how we should “see” this if we just can see the wireframe in your video.

Thanks for looking, im totally open to the possibility i’m being a dumbass!

But if you reduce the grid resolution quite low and look carefully from different angles, you’ll see the two grids don’t match up.

I think it’s because the re-sample node is adding extra points along the two long curve edges which aren’t initially subdivided, which is messing it up.

is this better?

I can’t see what your output is, but just by looking at the node setup, won’t that give a wireframe on two axis, but the whole point is i only want a wireframe with one axis?

So if i only have a visible wireframe on the y axis, it still needs to be subdivided on the X axis, in order to give the shape, but i don’t want to see the x axis wireframe.

I think i might have solved it!:

maybe solved.blend (134.9 KB)

Still have one problem, i can’t create a clean curve grid with this method, see pic below (and blend), any ideas?
problem.blend (880.4 KB)

It’s not a problem if the edges of the grid are off-screen, but if i want the whole of the grid on screen, i need to find a way to complete the outer edges of the curve grid. Maybe there’s an even better way than the normal trick?

And just for fun, here is something i was messing about with: