Wizard Box Games pre-launch

Hi everyone!

Before the end of Q1, I will be launching a site with several game templates and extensive tutorials for Blender Game engine and more. All tutorial content will be under the GPL. I will be regularly updating the site with games and other content.

Initial tutorials will be:
-Super Wizard Bro (2d platformer)
-Wizard Wargame (A hexagonal turn-based strategy game)
-Dungeon Wizard (A randomly generated RPG with Save, Load system)
-Dummy Python (A simple Atari-style game built primarily with Python scripts, heavily annotated for n00bs)
-WizardWheels (Driving physics)
-WizardWorld (Open world with LODs)

Future tutorials will include
-Motion Capture with Microsoft Kinect and OpenNI
-Physics-based character movement
-Ragdolls without using BRIK
-Network gaming

If you would like to see a genre tutorial, please let me know. I hope this can become a valuable resource for aspiring game developers, as well a source of free indie games made by my friends and I.

We will be accepting donations, but will continue updating the site regardless.

I’m very interested in looking at some of those game templates! Sounds good

Sounds like a great plan, with lots of useful things for folks looking to learn the engine!

Hiya, would just like to share this super-mega-easy Saving and Loading system I cooked up. I believe this is the most simple and concise way to save and load Property values.

I hope this is annotated enough for anyone to understand. If anyone needs help, let me know

#super easy Saving and loading by martymcfly
#built loosely from a script by agoose77

#Add Sensors (Usually keystrokes) to initiate save or load module
#Attach sensors to a Python Module controller
#In the empty box on the Controller, type “[thisfile.py].save” or “[thisfile.py].load”

#This script saves and loads a player’s Race and Class for an RPG
#In my game, I have a list of Races and Classes with integer values

#Standard python conventions suggest that you should not capitlize your property names like I have here

import bge #import game engine library
scene = bge.logic.getCurrentScene() #abbreviates “bge.logic.getCurrentScene()” with “scene”
objects = scene.objects #abbreviates “scene.objects”
globalStats = objects[‘globalGameStats’] #declares the variable “globalStats” as representing the BGE object ‘globalGameStats’

def save(cont): #define the save module
if not cont.sensors[0].positive: #check if Sensor is positive, if not, do not execute script

bge.logic.globalDict['Race'] = globalStats['Race'] #Write the local value of "Race" to the global value of "Race"
bge.logic.globalDict['Class'] = globalStats['Class'] #Same as above, but with Class

bge.logic.saveGlobalDict() #Store new global values
print(bge.logic.globalDict) #Print to console, use for debugging

def load(cont): #Define load module
if not cont.sensors[0].positive:

bge.logic.loadGlobalDict() #Load the global dictionary that was previously saved

globalStats['Race'] = bge.logic.globalDict['Race'] #loads global Race value into local object
globalStats['Class'] = bge.logic.globalDict['Class'] #same as above, but with Class

Here is a screenshot of Dungeon Wizard. Some of you may recognize this as an updated version of a game I started a while ago named Dungeon Tweak.

I am still making some touches before uploading the alpha .blend, but the game is fully playable.

It is an action-RPG with random dungeons. There are many different classes and races. The class determines your weapon, and the race determines your magic spell.

Sometimes the Evil Wizard will come out of a treasure chest and transform you into a random race/class, or you can pay a hefty toll to retain your current race/class.

The final version will feature a skill tree, where the player can buy permanent upgrades for each specific race and class.


Here is a screenshot of Dungeon Wizard. Some of you may recognize this as an updated version of a game I started a while ago named Dungeon Tweak. It began as a prototype for my other RPG Fall of Eternity, but it spun off in its own direction. I have been working on it for over a year alongside FOE.

Whereas Fall of Eternity is a meticulously-crafted hardcore crunch for seasoned RPG veterans, Dungeon Wizard is a user-friendly, simple, ever-changing experience that constantly rewards the player. I hope that it not only provides a solid foundation to build your own games from, but is also a fun and unique Dungeon Hack in its own right.

I am still making some touches before uploading the alpha .blend, but the game is fully playable.

It is an action-RPG with random dungeons. There are many different classes and races. The class determines your weapon, and the race determines your magic spell.

Sometimes the Evil Wizard will come out of a treasure chest and transform you into a random race/class, or you can pay a hefty toll to retain your current race/class.

The final version will feature a skill tree, where the player can buy permanent upgrades for each specific race and class.


Heyyyy here’s a BIG update!

I’ve been working on a game for some time, calling it many things, Dungeon Tweak, Dungeon Wizard… and I have decided that this game should be the definitive version of Commander^3, a buggy unplayable mess of a game I created a couple years ago. I will be sending “collector’s edition” DVD copies of this out to everyone who backed me on Kickstarter and was disappointed with the game they funded.

In Commander^3, an evil wizard has cast a spell on an 8-bit fantasy kingdom, transforming it into a 3d world. The noble Commander^2 has been transformed into Commander^3, and was transformed into a completely different creature and class than he was before.

In this physics-driven roguelike RPG, the player must guide Commander^3 through the Cube Tube, and unravel a preposterous plot involving conspiracies, virtual reality, and of course, the fate of the universe. Explore 100% destructible random dungeons, outsmart enemies, collect treasure, but beware of the dark wizard! If you encounter him (which you will), he will transform you into a random creature and class, and you must learn to utilize your new abilities.

Some abilities are straightforward. A Birdman can fly, and an Assassin has a gun. However, the dark wizard may pop out of a chest and transform you into an Architect Vegetable, in which case, you can build your own cubes, and can heal in water, but can only kill enemies by trapping them. Other abilities include explosive charges which only damage buildings, lasers, and more. There are 6 creatures and 6 classes, so 36 different possible characters.

On the sidelines, you will also be helping to rebuild the kingdom in 3D. After collecting enough money, you can build your own castle in the sky, which serves as your base of operations. You can level up each creature and class individually, but keep in mind you never know what you’ll turn into next.

Some classes and creatures start out pitifully weak, but will become strong later. A low level architect can only summon physics cubes that block an enemy’s path, but at the highest level, the architect builds an entire castle in a single mouse click, squashing everything around it. On the other hand, the knight may be good at killing enemies in the confines of dungeons, but the short range sword attack may leave you vulnerable during a boss fight… and what good is the Vegetable’s healing ability in a map where there is lava instead of water? With all the different creature/class combinations, the scenarios are endless.

The game’s soundtrack is mostly recycled retro-style synth tunes from the first Commander^3, with one new track. Much of the original soundtrack was probably never experienced by players due to the origina game’s crushing difficulty. The Dark Wizard will periodically speak to you in a deep booming digitized voice. Everything is designed to feel like a DOS shareware RPG was magically transported to 2014.

There are 5 different map types. After 100 dungeon levels, the player faces the final boss. After that, the game loops, so anyone can conceivably keep playing the game and leveling up forever.

If people actually like this game and accept it as an apology for its underwhelming predecessor, I will add more content.

Enjoy the new screens. It’s almost done.

sorry for the laggy video, just wanted to show the game in motion. I have a GTX 460 and an i5 3ghz, 4GB ram. I spent a lot of time ironing out the framerate with hundreds of physics objects everywhere, too bad it doesn’t show in this vid.

one solution? have a object apply gravity,
It needs anything physical to be on a list, and do
for items in physicsList:
if D<(max distance from a player):
(tab)add items to GravityList
if D>(max) remove items from gravity list

good call, thanks… I always wondered if there was a way to do that sort of thing beyond “suspend dynamics” logic brick.

The video is slow mostly because of the recording software. Each block is several different objects being ended and swapped in/out. Static -> Rigid Body -> Debris (numerous smaller rigid bodies).

With most characters, the player will have to hit the block for a while to knock it loose (swap the static for rigid body), then hit the rigid body to break it down further into debris, which harms both the player and monsters. If enough debris piles up, it can also cause the floor to break. So, almost like a puzzle game, you can set up chain reactions to destroy large groups of tiles.

If you destroy a lower level of a structure, it sends a ghosted collision detection object upwards to enable physics on the upper levels as well. Sometimes the structure is still sound after knocking out supports, like a Jenga tower.

Anyway, this was how I kept the GE from having to render 9999999 rigid body objects at once. When I implement this gravity list fix, it shouldn’t have a hard time rendering the demolitions in this game. I will also make a non-GLSL version with limited draw distance for people with older machines.

I have been working on compound object assemblies using sockets. Also 3d logic nodes that pass properties using parent /child relationships.

Looks really good. What makes them stay in place and in order? That would make a cool mech customization system. I watched some of your other videos and noticed a lot of interesting applications of bullet physics… I also have a walking ragdoll demo

I am thinking of adding a hierarchy-based weapon customization system in this game - where you can make bizarre branching weapons, or perhaps its sequel Commander^4. I’ve only recently begun understanding the complexities of gravity in the GE… The next one will feature randomized spherical planets in space. You will have to explore planets and build your own space ship to escape the gravitational pull. It will eventually be large enough to engulf smaller planets, but you will still have to land in order to continue expanding your ship. Essentially, the game will last forever, as the universe scales down, and the smaller objects are removed from the scene.

The .blend will be included in this Commander^3’s download. It should be ready within another solid 2 weeks of work. You’re welcome to use anything you may find useful.

Want to team up on finishing wrectified?

I have learned to code, and coded this project, but I could use another set of eyes and know how, etc.

So the assembly system =

Component with physics bounds cube, sphere etc
spawns triangle mesh that is it’s own “jacks” this item maintains object position and orientation using a property own[‘Father’] that is the component that added it,

So raycasting and hitting the material “link_05” looks up

Father[“MALink_05”] True or False?

(is it occupied?)

if it’s False

setParent -> Father of tmesh

So a object has both a physics bound object and a “tmesh” that is a triangle mesh on a separate collision mask from everything else,
So keys
1- add battery
2- add sensor
3- add gun
Space = activate logic in component

Q - grab/ drop component
d-rotate “navmesh host”
So the object has a compound physics system, with a triangle mesh link identifier and property tag passer thingus :smiley:

This system will be used to assemble “inventions” in game

I might be interested in giving you a hand, I will get back to you after I’m finished with Commander^3. I am very interested in games with terrain modification and buiding/creative elements. I feel like they are the next step towards a convincing virtual reality.

While I make these games on my own, I constantly have my friends playtest them and give me feedback, it’s a pretty important part of the process and I don’t mind helping, just keep in mind I also have a lot of projects I’m kicking around in my free time.

More gameplay vids, with better framerate

Architect class (my personal favorite):



Welp, here’s a trailer with a song I composed

Also showcases new lighting effects.

If you’re only going to watch one video of this game in this thread, watch this one.

Thanks to LODs and a tip from BluePrintRandom, the maps are now exponentially larger and packed with more content. I’m still appending the tilesets, so excuse the repetitive buildings.

The giant maps also generate entirely in about 5 seconds. I’ve added a new challenge: Some treasure chests will launch you into the air, delete the world, and by the time you’ve landed, the map is 100% regenerated. You can watch each tile of the map spawn under your feet while you parachute down.

Welp, I rewrote the map generation system entirely to accommodate for gigantic sprawling psychedelic wonderlands. Still adding in the dungeon sets. Every new map-gen cycle adds three random filters to the screen… Hopefully it will give the impression of traveling to a different dimension. Some combinations limit visibility, but making do with the cards you’re dealt is the name of the game…