women study 2 -- dressed 01/11

2nd study, this time with (much) bigger refs.

So far, the head is pretty done.

Comments and critics ?


you never stop do ya :smiley: looks awesome :smiley:

Nice, the ears are still too low.



Well, I’m pretty close of my ref pict

some progress. torso is still unfinished. Only main topology is in.

comments and critics ?


Looks great to me. What is the model going to be used for?

This is your second shot at figure modeling that I’ve seen. This is a big step forward from your previous model. By the time you texture this, it will be very real looking.

I’d like to see the edge loops on the face. It seems that you have a strong resemblance to the girl (it seems we’re all building 3d.sk stuff lately) but I’m not sure how well the face will animate.

Still, looking awesome.

akator : thanks. as the name implies, it’s a study to improve modelling skills. I’ve a rather ambitious project of horsewomens scene, but not sure this one will make it.

Thanks. Coming from you, it’s a great praise. It’s in fact the 4th model i do, and you already commented in the second. The difference is indeed big, and mostly because in the meantime i studied the topology thread at cgtalk (i think you linked to it too).

I’d like to see the edge loops on the face. It seems that you have a strong resemblance to the girl (it seems we’re all building 3d.sk stuff lately) but I’m not sure how well the face will animate.

here is the head wire. It’s strictly the TorQ loop model, with some detail edges added. So I think it should not animate too badly. won’t do animation, only posing, then minor problems are easily corrected.

Note that, taking Stahlberg’s advice, i don’t care no more much about continous edge loops. I stick strictly to quads and make loops to follow muscles and topology, but dont fear to collapse them where needed.

And yes 3d.sk ressource is invaluable. I would appreciate if he used always the same lens during the shot session (he seems to use randomly from 35 to 105 or something like that), and also plane corrected lens to not have perspective distorsion, but noneless, it’s the best available.

That’s a much better look at the edgeloops. I retract my previous statement. You’ll probably be just fine animating that face.

Very nice model.

very nice!

full body. Still a bit rough, will be smoothed a bit, but showable I think.
Back still needs work.

Where I’m satisfied, it that the full half body is less than 1200 Verts while pleasantly detailed, which means that with hands and feets, the completed mesh will be in the 5K range.

please comment and critic.


it’s very good! but i think the buttom part is a bit…fat…

There appears to be some “pinching” around the knees (above them on the outside and on the shin). Also, her right knee seems to be rotated toward the camera, although it may just be the angle of the shot or the lighting that’s throwing me off.

It looks very nice, better than your first.

The upper body looks really good lukep.

The head is really nice. Some edgeloops improvement could be done, more around the ear and cheek area. The rest looks good.

I agree about the comments on the legs. You definitley need to clean them up. You have some weird pinching and bad mesh structure going on there. Especially around the knees and the lower leg.

Keep up the good work. You get better with each model.


Thanks, Shadowman, Modron, 4go10soul, DVirus.


I modified the ear area. Difficulty here is that there much more vertices in the ear than in the face, so there is the need to reduce them somewhat, and you cannot have a clean round reduce due to the topology around. Should be better.

for the cheek, I suppose you thought of something like marked in red in the image below. Unfortunately i could not get this way a good shape of the cheek which matched my ref pict.

I agree about the comments on the legs. You definitley need to clean them up. You have some weird pinching and bad mesh structure going on there. Especially around the knees and the lower leg.

legs are unfinished, but i wanted some feedback.
I try to keep my model as light as possible, and it is a trade-off between quality and lightness.

About the fatness comment, this is built around pictures of a real women and not an ideal CG babe. She has certainly a bit of overweight in the legs, but not that much, imho. If you look at the arms, she is quite muscular too.

modified legs, first view of back.

I’m a bit disapointed to be above the 1200 verts :frowning:
Well it’s by the smallest margin.


sir mix-alot would be proud :slight_smile:

Looks good dude

some of us guys like women who look like this…:wink: good ol human proportions…gotta love em.
Glad to see someone who’s not idealizing their CG women (well not TOO much).
A lot can be done with realistic women…most people wouldnt believe one would create an 3d woman that wasnt a typical babe…so it adds to the realism of any story you use them in.

The best CG woman i saw wasnt exceptionally pretty…she was attractive but her face was all her own…freckles, lopsided nose…she had her own face and looked all the more real for it.

Thanks, that was indeed my intent. The typical CG chick is so unlikely, legs 1 km long, no ass, big boobs.

Well, still, I’ve done a bit of fat reduction, I think It was too extreme for the model. She still has a big ass, but not so much :

Please comment and critic what could be improved

…shopping, cleaning, ironing, cooking. Yeah, I love my mom but I wouldn’t want to look at her on my wall. Give me CG babes any day :D.

That’s true, I think the old woman in the Animatrix looks more realistic than the hot, young girl with near perfect skin. But still, I’d rather look at a CG looking young woman than a photoreal granny. :wink:

As for the model, I think it’s a bit flat in the stomach area. Women all have more of a bump where their ovaries and stuff are. The knees are a bit odd lookin’ too but then so are Demi Moore’s. Good topolgy though, those face loops are lookin’ good.