Wood cabin kitchen

Hi, I’m working on wood cabin kitchen, have some trouble, with differentiating wood shades - for me it looks a bit too similar to one another, is there any node workaround to get different saturation/light/contrast value for texture or should I go with varieties of the same materials just straightly assigned to chosen elements? I’ve already tried postprocess it in PS (below)

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Some tips for better render:

  • you have so many wood,try a render with walls and ceiling in white (beams are the same size??)
  • kitchen doors, all must be vertical or horizontal, you mixed it
  • cooking zone, you have a black wood on wall,try with a white or modern tile.
  • i think door handle, in silver, enhance the wood, plinth (wood between kitchen and floor), too, with silver
  • left lamps, cable is curved, is not possible.

good work

Hi, thanks for sharing your thoughts,
but this is an existing building (walls are rectangular wood logs) plus it is meant to be more rustic than modern.
Material finishes not my choice this time although I would rather avoid silver with rustic paled wood too mutch of rustic/glam contradiction form me there not my design style.

It may be slightly hard to see, but there are thin steel ropes that the lamp is up hung so the cable which is longer can naturally curved - I think thin links are meant by the manufacturer of the lamp to make it look float a bit.

p.s. I’m actually working with furniture for some time now and there is no rule that says cabinet doors need to be all vertical or horizontal :wink:

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if must be all wood, must look for another texture for walls, i think is not high quality, and right corner, diferent textures on sides.
Compare it with floor, floor looks perfect.

look this:

I changed the texture on the walls plus made some clean up in walls UV’s which made beveled edges look bad previously. Two different contrast settings, post-process PS with mixed Eevee and Cycles render.