Wooden passive house placed in the middle of a deciduous forest

Hello again!

Below you will find another visualisation of a passive house. I did it for the Green Collective as the last time.

This time my task was to create a visualisation of passive wooden house placed in the middle of a deciduous forest. It was some kind of a challenge, because I had no experience in making deciduous trees.

I used Graswald and The Grove to make the forest. The render was done in 1000 sample cycles with denoise. Postproduction was made in Affinity Photo.

My PC’s heart remained the same - AMD Ryzen Threadripper 2950X and NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1080 TI.


When you are devising scenes like this, “relative light levels” between the various elements of the composition suddenly become extremely important. Because, these are the very things which “make, or break(!), the almighty 3D illusion!”*

For example, when I first regarded this scene in the “thumbnail” on the home page, my eye immediately sensed that the “tree” had sliced the “unfortunately, flat” buildings utterly in half. (Partly because the shadows on the building sides are too-intense, and the brightness of the lawn-furniture much too bright … “blown out.”)

IMHO, in a scene like this one, “relative light-levels are extremely important.” And, I would suggest, “left-to-right” levels are often overlooked.

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Beautiful and really realistic

Wow such a nice render, may i ask about your lighting setting and render time? How many samples and light bounces did you use? Many thanks

Lighting is a HDRI map and sun.
Render only CPU - time 2 hours 21 minutes in resolution 3840 x 2160
1000 samples - Denoise
Max Bounses 8

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That’s cool, have you tried reduce light bounces? Say 3 or 4? I think it will reduce lot of render time? And can I ask why you didn’t use GPU for rendering?

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

These are great. They just need a bit more post processing - the white chair feels a little too white especially thinking that it seems like it should be in shadow and then the scene needs a bit of atmospherics, like a slide fade of the furthest parts of the house. The chopped wood on the side also fseels like it should be in shadow by the house as that whole side is dark, yet it’s quite bright.

Stunning. Really top-shelf bro. And boy, is this my style – color-wise and materials used. Well done.

Four things I would tweak personally: 1) charcoal paint or anodized black chimney - matching gutters better - or go full-chimney and use dark drystack. 2) get the repeat-offenders as I like to call them out of the wood texture - images this good can’t have visible repeats. 3) that type of gravel is very low end, not very nice to walk on, and aesthetically not very pleasing, at all, imho. I’d go with smooth river rocks and maybe have a couple boulders in various places jutting out of rocks. 4) And I’d put a triangular window above the left side window - half triangle same width as the one there, up into eave.

Then, I would call this home

Marcinos, very bjitiful. Serio. Gratulacje ! ))

More post work? I already feels its way to much post work. At least i think the chromatic abberation is killing this scene

really nice @Marcinos !!
would you like to try the next beta of Scatter ?
the goal of this addon is creating scenes like this with ease (like forest pack)

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i like the detailed wood on the side with the little scratches, would be nice to see that on the roof

Great render. I think adding a few leafs on the roof would help making the scene more realistic. Not a tone just a few places where it would get stuck. But apart from that nice work.

I haven’t tried to reduce light bounces, but it’s a good idea. Thanks I’ll try it out. I was forces to use CPU because of the Displacement that used in the scene. The scene was too big for my GPU. If there is a way to reduce memory consumption, please do the trick :slight_smile:

Thank you all for the feedback. I really appreciate it. It is very important to me it helps make my works look better. Look forward my new projects i will do my best to use all of your tips and advices.

Marcinos, really nice render. Where did you get the wood texture for the siding? Was it procedural? You did a fine job-- no criticisms-- though I do like the idea of a few leaves on the metal roof.

Wood is based on a texture and to be hone, I don’t remember where I bought it.