Trying to create the style the prop artists use in World of warcraft! Can anyone think of some weapons that might be easy to model/paint in the same fashion :’)?
I like the exterior ring portion of the shield a lot. The protrusions on it might be a bit glossy, but it isn’t overpowering by any means. The wooden center (at least in the top two images) feels as though it’s bumped in the wrong direction to me - as though the lines and cracks are sticking out of rather than digging into the wood. But maybe that’s what you were after. The ends of the vertical strokes on the major wooden dividing lines also become visible near the metal perimeter - you can see where the brush rounds off and caps the stroke.
My experience with painting textures is next to non-existent though, so take that into consideration too
Ultimately, I like it. Hand-painted textures always look cool to me. Hope you create more. Maybe and axe to go with it???