Workflow advises for character creation and animation

Hey everyone, asking for kind help one more time.

Im on a project for a friend which uses Unreal to render and film his movies. He asked me to create non-stylised but not ultra photo-realistic characters (pretty much like a game design LOD) which would be then imported to Unreal.
I’m used to use Blender and a bit of Unreal for a lot of different things (mostly for background and ambiance), but I have small knowledge in rigging and animating.
My question for you guys is about the pire/workflow I could use with the different softwares that would be the easiest for a newbie like me ?

Here is my try (with its problematics) so far :slightly_smiling_face:

Create my base with the MBLAB addon > getting it as an avatar on clo3d and modeling clothes (Im in fashion design school so Im pretty experienced on clo) > getting the clothes back into blender as static mesh > Join clothes + avatar + eventual assets into one object and bake the whole thing into a single png texture > Here two choices : either using the rig provided by mblab for easy anim OR sending the whole things to mixamo > back in blender, creating the hair/bear with hair particle system.


Getting one fbx with rig+mesh
Getting one fbx with the anim
Getting the hair as alembic file to import it with groom plugin in ue


Scaling goes crazy between the 3 exports + Can’t create binding assets between hair and mesh + location is changing between the air and the anim… + Baking all into one image is lowering the quality pretty bad…

Anyway, any advice on totally different workflow, evaluation on my current workflow, troubleshooting would such a huge help for me, and might be a topic usefull for anyone wanting to get characters into Ue and searching for a pipeline !

Cheers <3

PS : Im using Blender 3.5.1, Unreal 5.2 and Clo3d 7.2 ! And working primarily on windows.