Working on some VDB nebulas stuff

VDB volumes with nebula shader, based on volume-grids

No particles or geometry nodes, shader-nodes only

Main Art



Node Setup is crazy…


That looks amazing. Is this based on the new Creative Shrimp tutorial?

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Thank you! I love his videos, but no, this is my shader created based on the volume attributes of VDB.


Oh, I encountered a rather magical problem. I turned on the environment fog and used vdb to render a transparent sequence. I rendered it separately and then merged it into the scene. I found that one pixel was missing and one pixel was lost on the edge. I don’t know what caused this. It’s very strange.

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This looks amazing, I do think you should check out some of Luis Pablo Herrera’s stuff because he does a lot of stuff like this, and i think you two would get on well.

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Incredible… wow

Looks like a problem with the alpha channel, possibly the premultiplication stuff

Reading my name here unexpectedly almost gave me a heart attack XD

The nebula looks awesome!
And your shader nodes are indeed crazy :joy:

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So sorry, just realized it, I mispelled your name, sorry. :shushing_face:

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Yeah but I just didn’t expect to be mentioned here XD
I just saw a nebula that looked cool and wanted to read more about it… so your guess was accurate XD

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You’re on the featured row! :+1:

so thats how nasa dose it !

I solved it. It was because of the problem of rendering half the size.

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