World Cup

Since it looks like Stefano is going to be busy for the next few weeks, I thought it would be proper to start a thread for all the football fans out there. The second round is always more exciting. No rules (other than those outlined by Kib)!

Schlops, you are going down on Friday! :smiley:

I already have my favourite team for the cup… SENEGAL !!!
:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
I hope they do better than we did !

and don’t forget the all time classic football match… Japan VS Turkey !
Jesus, what a strange world cup…


BTW: nice girls. :wink:

2-0 against Mexico!!! yyyoohhhoooooooooo!!! I like Italy too but,my heart is with the US. :smiley:


I especially liked the cheap shots at the end. :x

Italy has their hands full tomorrow against Korea.

cheap shot? i couldn’t watch it completely…did i missed something?

ps: they are going to replay it on ESPN at 12:00 AM ET…well,in about 10 minutes. :smiley:

i was watching the news and i couldn’t resist to post how bad losers are the mexicans…they where saying that US cheated,that the referee was (sold out???)against them,that US won cause it all was a politic matter…etc etc etc! blah!bullshit!they don’t know how to lose. :x

Yeah! I’m going down! Down on my knees, shouting “HOOOORRRAAYYYY, SEMI-FINAL!!!” :stuck_out_tongue:
Ohh, and Senegal is now doomed, since malefico supports them :wink: It will be hard hard match against Turkey (another classic WC matchup)

Ever wondered what happend to Kid Tripod?? He is still dancing in front of his TV: (mpeg, ~ 3MB)

Now I’m going to watch Ita-Kor on TV, the defensiv artists against those quick lil’ Koreans.

Italy-Korea 1-0

fingers are crossed


BZZZZZZZZZZZ! I’m sorry, but our judges have deemed your answer to be incorrect!

You should have said something like this: “I will be down on my knees praying I can recoup all the money I just lost betting on those toothless, teutonic losers”. :x

Remember what the papers said about Germany when we beat you 3-0 in that friendly a year or two ago. It is going to be much worse this time. 8)




Great match! Time for golden goal! Stefano, time for a sedative!

Definately a conspiracy against Italy!

YAY YAY YAY South Korea ROCKS!!! :slight_smile:

btw I like them because they were a underdog, and have a dutch coach :smiley:


anyway we didn’t played excellently… more than one bad miss…


north korea can kick south koreas ass any day

I lost all my money, cause I put a bet on the final Argentina - Italy :frowning: D’Oh Sorry Stefano! Buffon was great! Maybe there will be 23 new guests at your wedding…

It was '99 in Jacksonville, 2 - 0 in Guadalajara the same year. I don’t care if it is going to be much worse this time. Why? To quote Gary Lineker: “Football is a game played by 11 men against 11 men, and in the end wins Germany”.
Paraguay was just the start!! We can play much worse than that 8)

BTW: How was the first round for Holland? Who’s there opponent in the quarter-final? SCNR :stuck_out_tongue:

I just saw that Kid Tripod link. Hilarious!

Let’s hope he doesn’t have a boiler like that in real life. 8)

By the way, for those of you who were wondering what a “boiler” is, here is a particularly bad example of the definition (beer gut).
An ass and a stomach! Wow! :o
Schlops, most Germans suffer from similar physical deformities don’t they? :smiley:

uuugghhhh! disgusting! :o LOL

Boilers? We? No way!!!
Yeah, we have (well formed) asses and (well formed) stomachs, but in different places.
The german beer is so damn good, you have to drink it!
That pic is awfull! Remove it! I just can’t stop laughing :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
If you’d modell such a thing in blender, nobody would believe you