I just rendered this project into png files and then to an MPEG, but then I added a blue color to the world, ambient light, and I scaled the plane that serves as the ground bigger. When I try to render it again to png files, it does not give a new render. I get a render (that happens within a few seconds, as opposed to the first time, which took 40 minutes) that doesn’t show my changes, even though the real-time render view window shows those changes. I did make a new key frame with the larger plane scale, and for the world color.
Clearly when I click on the animation button in the render panel, I am not getting a new animation even though the emptied folder I export to is filling up again with png files.
The MP4 I get has the same grey sky and you can see the corner of the plane that serves as the ground, although that corner shouldn’t be visible anymore because I scaled it up.
I tried to upload the MP4, but apparently Blender Artists doesn’t accept those.
What am I doing wrong?
Snowman.blend (1.86 MB)