World not Rendering

I just rendered this project into png files and then to an MPEG, but then I added a blue color to the world, ambient light, and I scaled the plane that serves as the ground bigger. When I try to render it again to png files, it does not give a new render. I get a render (that happens within a few seconds, as opposed to the first time, which took 40 minutes) that doesn’t show my changes, even though the real-time render view window shows those changes. I did make a new key frame with the larger plane scale, and for the world color.

Clearly when I click on the animation button in the render panel, I am not getting a new animation even though the emptied folder I export to is filling up again with png files.

The MP4 I get has the same grey sky and you can see the corner of the plane that serves as the ground, although that corner shouldn’t be visible anymore because I scaled it up.

I tried to upload the MP4, but apparently Blender Artists doesn’t accept those.

What am I doing wrong?


Snowman.blend (1.86 MB)

Delete the strip you have in the Video Sequencer or in the Render / Post Processing panel deselect ‘Sequencer’.
That’s what it is rendering, not the 3d viewport

Great, that seems to be working, thanks very much. And thanks for the images, they made everything clear. That was my first animation render.

It took 40 minutes to render a 3 second video!

Do you know anything about GPUs? I was thinking about getting NVIDIA Quadro K420 or something like that for around $100. I have an AMD right now, but I read that Blender can be optimized for NVIDIA products. Do you think it would make a big difference? At this rate, a 20 minute video would take 111 days!