World Streamer - Backport to 2.5x

kx_stream_2_5[fixed_normals].blend (1.4 MB)

usage: parent the empty to your actor, or replace the line that defines the target,

3 scripts are used
1 - updates physics tiles (invisible)
2- updates graphics mesh(no collision)
3- reinstance physics tiles shape

I messed around with that world streamer so you can move around etc.
The GFX mesh has some seams though and the the KDTree ends after a certain point, not sure how to fix those.
modifiedterraingenthing.blend (3.6 MB)

kd_stream_2_5_(smart_project_2d)(fix2).blend (1.6 MB)

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What is this it looks cool.

its a way to generate a procedural terrain between control meshes (foundations / roads /trails) using mathutils noise, or a heightmap by parsing a image to a list.


Thatโ€™s awesome!

there is a

for x points in range:
    for y points in range:

this is what builds the grid the kdtree fills @Aman_Anas
so it determines how big the world is