I do not believe that multilayers or composting is a current feature in the network render addon, or I can not get it to work. Can someone point me in the direction of how to add these features to the python script? (I know C,C++, C#, java, PHP, but completely new to python) The docs on blender do not seem thourough enough for me to get a grasp on how to approach copying the layers/layer masks, scene settings, composting nodes, etc… to the slaves from the client. I don’t know if that information is in a class passed (and automatically set on slave) or need to set in custom class and passed along and manually set.
Attached are 3 sets of images and the blend file.
2 layers (RenderLayer, blur).
The blur layer is blurred in composting and then added back into the composite using the first layer (RenderLayer) as a mask to account for the Z clipping.
- Renders correctly in cycles on single machine. (LayerTestXXX)
- LayerTestNetRenderXXX rendered with network render.
- LayerTestNetRenderXXXX2 attempted by disabling the first layer
This seems like it should be a standard feature, but after many many tries, I don’t think it works as is and I would like to add that feature in the script and submit back to blender for others, but steep learning curve on blender classes/python is frustrating me. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
BlenderLayerTest.zip (117 KB)
layerTest.blend (658 KB)