Wrapping around cylinder/obj - more control

Hi, can’t figure this out for the longest time, so here goes.

This is a strap that has been deformed to follow a bezier circle around this cylinder mesh. Now, this is one way to do it, and there are more I do know, although, I don’t feel like I have the amount of control I want. For example, if I were to not apply the deformation via vertex group to the bolt/nut in the shot here, those things would teleport back to their original place. If I were to apply the modifier and then move those items manually, I don’t know where the end of the strap is, which is where I want to put it. The strap doesn’t have self-colision, and overlapping geometry is not very appealing when there are holes in the strap.
If there is a way to:

  1. Control where to put the tip of the strap (starting point)
  2. Rotate the strap around multiple objects (strapping things together and determining where some elements of the strap end up - for example, tracks for a tank)
  3. Alternatively, like in real life, start deformation from the tip and slowly wrap it around until it looks good to you (self-collision included)

Right now, it’s all automatic as far as I know; you add a modifier and it instantly wraps it around with little control, and I wondered if there was a machine alternative to that (without manual edit mode stuff- which wouldn’t be so accurate in my own hands).
I’ve tried other modifiers and they all seem to not care about the strap as an object itself, but rather trying to force the operation against its geometry (which all modifiers do).
I might be asking too much at this point, but I can’t find a way to precisely wrap anything around a given object with minimal deformation like stretching or collapsing, and using curves, well that doesn’t seem precise when fitting it around an object.
Perhaps an add-on, maybe?
I appreciate anything here! Thanks for reading!

I think i disn’t understand you completly… if you use an array modifier then there is the posibility to add a start and an end object… and the array can also follow a curve and the numbr of repetition cean also be a controlled by the lenght of the curve… … and yes to figure out when what to do is not soooo easyyy… so i guess you have to build up the controlling curve (as you said straping around multiple objects… ???)

Using a curve isn’t so accurate when physically strapping onto an obj. Curve around obj? I just wanted an easier way say with add-ons that would allow me to deform it around without curves. A faster, easier way, than curves. A more accurate way. Seeing add-ons like Pro Wrapping or what ever made me think about alternatives.

Okay… but in your example this will be (of course) just the diameter of the pipe you put this (what’s it called?) thing arround this pipe. And if you have a more complex example it would be the convex hull of the outlines of all objects… which you properly have to convert into a curve to follow along some kind of modifiee… so i don’t see any easier here.

That’s why I was looking for an add-on. But I thought I might’ve missed a vanilla way to do it. Thanks for trying though, now I know. :+1:

Well, I don’t like to bring up Geometry Nodes in every complex situation but… there are Geometry Nodes.
Not to say it would be easy but it just might be possible to figure out a way. Maybe.

Hmm, I have seen what they’re capable of but haven’t dipped my head in yet. Maybe I should… Thanks for the suggestion!